
jumprun - any alternatives for dz operations software?

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I don't know the specifics of why they went back to Jumprun but they were not happy with Manifest XP. But keep in mind that this was probably at least 4 years ago and Manifest XP could easily be much improved in that time. I just know that we will keep using Jumprun for the foreseeable future.
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Despite some teething problems (which happen when creating new software from scratch), I can say that Ground Control is very logical to use.

As a manifester using the system, it benefits from allowing registered regular jumpers to add themselves to the jump list via their smartphones/ipads etc rather than coming and hassling me, leaving me to concentrate on getting people on planes and dealing with questions from tandem students/families.

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A little late reaction, but we at www.paracentrumteuge.nl, made this switch to www.dz-manager.com. (We came from JumpRun5!). Migrated all our customer's and are very pleased with the result after one season of full use. (We run a 2 Grand Caravan operation (actually 1 grand caravan and 1 super caravan))

We are currently setting up the online reservation system which comes the DZ-Manager.

Our staff has fallen in love with the software and training time for new staf is reduced enormously. Also the support has been more then excellent.

If you (or any1 else) want to know how we did the conversion and why we chose DZ-Manager, over the other options suggested, hit me up.
The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

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I am the author of RealDropzone.

It's being used at the following dropzones:


The product is continuously under development, we have 1.5 full time staff members that support the product and IT at the dropzones running it.

Just this year we've added to major components to the product.

Paperless Waivers. Yes, seriously. We have a product (RealWaiver) that replaces your paper waivers with a kiosk that accepts electronic signatures and creates legally binding Waiver of Liability documents. The kiosk also collects customer information which imports directly into your manfifest software. Two dropzones are already using this feature, we've accempted over 25,000 electronically signed waivers in 2012.

Packer/Instructor kiosks: We have a new product (RealRigger) that provides an interface where Tandem Instructors can 'check out' a rig with a couple of taps on a kiosk screen, and packers record which rig they've packed. This replaces hand written "signature sheets" at your packing station and significantly reduces the amont of time needed to report on and manage your gear. The admin side of this product tracks jumps per rig, per main, per reserve, etc. Output reports can also be used for payrol purposes.

Also in 2012 we've added a significant number of reports and interactive reporting tools.

These features are just the new features in 2012. The reservation system and Manifest system is very comprehensive.

I'll be demonstrating the product at the 2013 PIA Symposium and USPA DZO Conference. Both RealRigger and RealWaiver can be purchased separetly or licensed as a package with RealDropzone.

Matt Christenson
RealSkydiving, Inc.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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The problem is you are difficult to get in contact with. I tried several times over the last year and a half with no luck.

We had a problem with our Voice Mail configuration for the good part of 2012 messages were being sent to an invalid email address. I didn't figure this out until November when I tried leaving a message myself. You can call me directly on my Cell Phone at (630) 688-7911, or leave a message on the sales line at (630) 444-7511.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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