
A different wing loading dilemma

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I just came back from a 6 year lay off. So I am sure I am going to get flamed for this. I swear I am not going to ask about going to a 2.0 WL though.

I sold my old rig when I laid off and now with the wife's approval am about to order a new one. I know that based on the build time of what I am (thinking about) buying and heading in to triathlon season I will be loaded @ 1.15-.1.25 when it gets here. The problem is I typically race the spring then go back to being a fat ass in the summer. Depending on the rate at which I go back to shoveling food in my face I could be loaded at 1.4 3-5 months after the rig arrives. Yes, my weight can fluctuate up to 30 pounds depending on my race schedule. I will be on the lighter side when the rig arrives.

I have taken a canopy course since returning and plan on doing hop and pops until my wallet bleeds while the rig is being built.

What say you DZ.com? Is going from a 1.15 to possibly 1.4 during the course of 60-80 jumps just asking for trouble?

I KNOW my wife isn't going to let me order two canopies in the next couple years. So I am trying to create a progression plan that accommodates my wallet and her wishes.

Yes, I also realize the wallet is no reason to splatter myself all over the LZ because of a poor WL choice.
"I once met three guys named pain, suffering and sacrafice. Now were inseperable, were best friends."

-Lance Armstrong

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15-30 minutes in the tunnel is a hell of a workout.

No, it's not.

Trying to compare tunnel time or skydiving to dedicated Tri racing is pretty far off.

To the OP: size you gear for when you're at the heaviest, If you really fluctuate 30 lbs during the off-season, you'll also need to add some lead during your lean time (not 30lbs of it, but some), so that will average out (that, or have 2 jumpsuits). Either way, you wont femur in because you're flying a bigger canopy; training for trsi on a busted tib-fib is a bit of a bitch tho.

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I really do fluctuate 30 lbs... Sitting at 205 ATM and when I peak for a late spring Olympic I will be sitting at 170-175. At least that has been the case the last 4 years. Then seeing 205 again as we head back in to fall early winter. After spring I typically only "participate" in tri's so my training tapers off to near zero.

I am nearly 44 so I only train to peak once a year. I suppose I could also opt to keep the weight off but I like food too much!!!
"I once met three guys named pain, suffering and sacrafice. Now were inseperable, were best friends."

-Lance Armstrong

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The rough math on layoffs is that your 170 jumps is going to equal about 50 jumps after 6 years. What you should be looking at is gear for someone your weight who has 50 jumps.

What you need to do is get current using the student gear at the DZ. Choose a conservative canopy, and see how it goes. Take advanatge of the selection the DZ has, and actually jump the different sizes (not guess) and see how you do.

Next up, if your weight really does fluctuate 30lbs across the year, you need to pick your gear (main, reserve and harness size) for when you're heavy. Buy gear that you can safely jump in the worst case scenario at the time of purcahse. Not what you think you're going to weigh, or what you sometimes weigh, or how many jumps you think you're going to have.

Buy something smart that makes sense for your current experience. 170 jumps - 6 year layoff = about 50 jumps. Let's say you do get back into it, and jump hard and often, and you're an ace with the canopy, sell it and buy a smaller one at that time. If you really want to be smart, buy used canopies and you can buy and sell them all day without spending any additional money.

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