
Canopy Skills Progression w/ Elsinore 'Too Wrapped Up'

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Make CRW (Canopy Relative Work) a discipline you learn shortly after getting your 'A' license to improve canopy skills and meet amazing people (ie Crewdogs)!! CRW is a big piece of Skydive Elsinore and at many other major dropzones across the US. Take the time to ask about this AMAZING discipline!


'Like' our fan page to keep up with CRAZY wraps, CRW Pup Camps, and Record Breaking Rotations!!!!! We're heading to Dubai for the 2012 World Parachuting Championships and any support through our page is greatly appreciated!!!

We are the easiest going people on the DZ and welcome questions about everything from Rigging, Cutting Away (both w/ handle or w/ knife), BASE, Unicycling, CRW, PBR, Wingsuits, and XRW.

Get out to your local DZ and try CRW!!!!!! Elsinore is your BEST Option!!!!! ;)

"Can't plan fantastic!!!!!"

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