WrongWay 0 #76 August 18, 2004 Quote So who decides when your good enough to try one of these stunts? Is there a committee? Is there a "Stupid human Tricks" Test you have to take? Let's say you have a 100 jump chump who has a year in the sport, flying a tiny Stiletto and never being consistent in his landings (or they're consistently bad). He's always having to dig himself out from misjudging every angle of his approach. He has his head so far up his ass and is so focused on "looking cool" that he isn't even aware of what's going on around him (traffic). People come up to this guy every day and tell him how he's going to kill himself because he's not ready for anything he's doing, and he shrugs it off because he thinks he's special. On the other hand, you have a guy with 8,000 jumps, is sponsored by many skydiving companies, and is on a team run by a canopy manufacturer. He has been a competitor on the PST for as long as it's been around. He has thousands of jumps on high performance canopies, and flies his like it's second nature. In his spare time he experiments with new canopy designs. Which one of these two people would more likely be able to handle swooping a mountain? Quote Obviously they where good enough to do this stunt since they pulled it off. I could probably survive a jump on a 69 Velocity, but that doesn't mean I'm ready for it, just that I got really fucking lucky during those seconds close to the ground. Quote Lots of folks have done "STUPID SHIT"since they where the "COOL PEOPLE" it is ok. Hell pushing a car out of an airplane with a bunch of people in it is the stupidest thing I could ever imagine doing yet one of the coolest things ever done if you ask around a bit..... Yeah that was crazy as hell. Actually, Olav Zipser, the "almighty freefly dude who flies by thought", got hit by that car in freefall. Later he said in an interview that it was the scariest moment of his skydiving career. The idea is cool when you think about throwing a car out of a plane, cuz let's face it, seeing a car fall stable would be just as cool as watching it smash into the ground. Still, that doesn't make it safe or smart by any means, and sometimes even the best in the world get hurt doing it. A newbie doing it is practically asking for injury or death. Quote The first dozen or more post in this thread was attacking the stunt long before anyone said it was doen by someone with 100 jumps. So is it that they have 100 jumps or is it the stunt that is beign attacked? It's a little bit of both. First off, they were landing this thing at Rantoul, one of the most congested and nasty landing areas ever heard of. Landing it alone would be dangerous, but these jackasses chose to land it in the middle of 100 canopies of all different skill levels. Then there are the other dangers.....what if a hand would have slipped and he would have fallen? Fuck him, but what about the people below him and their property (cars and such)? What about the spectators? As for the 100 jump guy......a person with 100 jumps does not have anywhere near the canopy experience or skill to consistently have perfect landings on a canopy at that wingloading (with the other person), nor would they have the awareness of other canopies that an experienced pilot would, etc. etc. etc.. There are a thousand things that could go wrong simply because it was an inexperienced pilot. QuoteAgain just playing Devils Advocate... Just call me.......Dad. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #77 August 18, 2004 QuoteQuoteI said "Dude, you could die." He replied "I want to die!" Maybe we could set up a network for people who want to die, and serial killers who just can't help but kill people. That way, no one really loses and we keep things under control. They could have, "Kill Me Farms" or something. Dude this is the internet, I'm sure it's already been done. Let's find it!!! Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pkasdorf 0 #78 August 18, 2004 Yes, yes, yes!! Where is the video!!!! HISPA # 18 POPS # 8757 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DOCsa 0 #79 August 18, 2004 first of all there’s 2 people involved in a Mr bill second of all what the guy with 100 jumps flying the canopy or on top ?? Then you have to ask they must of gotten permission from someone to even leave the plane?? And just because you don't like the guy with 100 jumps or are "Jealous of him" doesn't mean they didn't plan it?? who knows maybe the did and have done this a few times before hand and just wanted to show off in front of the best of the best and they got what they wanted attention ??? just my 2 cents worth use it don’t use it _________________________________________ SO many places to jump so little time ! _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vdschoor 0 #80 August 18, 2004 Quotefirst of all there’s 2 people involved in a Mr bill second of all what the guy with 100 jumps flying the canopy or on top ?? Then you have to ask they must of gotten permission from someone to even leave the plane?? And just because you don't like the guy with 100 jumps or are "Jealous of him" doesn't mean they didn't plan it?? who knows maybe the did and have done this a few times before hand and just wanted to show off in front of the best of the best and they got what they wanted attention ??? just my 2 cents worth use it don’t use it Ok, here's the story as I know it. I know both people, and yes they have been planning this for quite some time, they have done several succesfull Mr. Bill's before they decided it was going smooth enough to land one. McBain bought the PD 210 for the sole purpose of beeing able to pull this trick off. The original plan was to do this at Lost Prairie, but it didn't happen there, for whatever reason. I don't know if they were not allowed to, or maybe the speed of the landings was not comfortable to both parties involved. I don't think there was lack of preparation for this stunt, but even with preparation it is a stupid stunt. about us not liking McBain, that is not true, there is no "not liking" going on, but people don't feel comfortable getting close to someone that is ignoring every single piece of advice that he doesn't like. People have offered him all the training he would need to become a bad ass swooper and they told him they would teach him to swoop the shit out of his Triathlon when he still had that. He has 1 mission: "to fly the a small shit-hot canopy ASAP" Trying to obtain a Velocity 120 at Lost Prairie is another example of this. Lying about jump numbers to DZO's so you can do nightjumps.. He is not a bad guy, in fact he is a nice guy, he just doesn't listen and that's why people "don't like him" Iwan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genoyamamoto 0 #81 August 18, 2004 Quotefirst of all there’s 2 people involved in a Mr bill second of all what the guy with 100 jumps flying the canopy or on top ?? Then you have to ask they must of gotten permission from someone to even leave the plane?? And just because you don't like the guy with 100 jumps or are "Jealous of him" doesn't mean they didn't plan it?? who knows maybe the did and have done this a few times before hand and just wanted to show off in front of the best of the best and they got what they wanted attention ??? just my 2 cents worth use it don’t use it I don't hate the kid, I think he's seriously misguided and has a dangerous attitude. He's a nice guy to chat with and i'm sure he's a great friend to have. I'm just gonna wait a while to be friends with him. There's no reason to get attached to him. My opinion of the other party in the Mr. Bill went waaaay down even before this stunt, primarily because I percieve his actions and advice as irresponsible. The Mr. Bill was further validation for my opinion of him. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,064 #82 August 18, 2004 QuoteQuoteThe difference between the two? Planning. Well...lack of planning + lack of experience. Neither you nor I have any idea how much (or how little) planning went into this. I was about 30' from the landing. As far as I could tell the approach and landing were extremely well executed. It certainly seemed less marginal than some of the hook-turn landings I watched at WFFC. Those that didn't see it maybe shouldn't criticize the abilities of the individuals concerned. I just think they could have done it in a less crowded area. Not that it was particularly crowded since due to the weather hold only hop'n'pops were going up anyway.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pajarito 0 #83 August 18, 2004 I was there and I did see it so I guess I can talk about it. I agree with you that it should have been done in a less crowded area. However, with the number of jumps that was reported that they had, I don’t think any amount of planning would make up for the experience needed to attempt stunts of that magnitude. I was with Chuck Blue mostly. He said you were there. Sorry I didn’t get to meet you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdunklin2002 0 #84 August 18, 2004 from what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. this kid may be "crazy" as everyone seems to think. but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? A45109 75 jumps and counting!Quote[email] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites happythoughts 0 #85 August 18, 2004 QuoteAfter all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt I was standing there watching. They landed less than 50 feet from me. Less than one minute before, I watched another jumper land crosswind and cut off a second jumper. At 60 ft off the ground, the second jumper had to do a 90 degree turn and then land crosswind also. No one was hurt? Luck. Imagine trying to land crosswind with someone on your shoulders. There were within 1 minute of someone being hurt. They were also lucky that one of the hook-turn yahoos weren't screaming in at the same time. You can't dodge another canopy like that. I have seen multiple landing collisions in the main landing area. It is the wrong place to show off. I thought it was an amazing stunt. I congratulated John. I thought it was irresponsible to do it in the main landing area. A little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. I still think it is a bad idea to try anywhere, regardless of experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites vdschoor 0 #86 August 18, 2004 Quote A little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. This was talked about before they left for the boogies, but the problem with wearing a base rig is that you are not allowed to jump out of an airplane with that, so that was not an option. Iwan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites goose491 0 #87 August 18, 2004 QuoteA little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. You'd have a lot more people agreeing that the stunt was stupid if the Mr. Bill passenger was wearing a BASE rig. My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sabr190 0 #88 August 18, 2004 Quotefrom what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. this kid may be "crazy" as everyone seems to think. but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? A45109 75 jumps and counting!Quote[email] I don't believe in the "natural", sure I have seen alot of peeps that took to skydiving like a duck to water. But, I have also seen "naturals" hauled from the DZ in an ambulance with mult broken bones, because someone said "sure you can handle that Stiletto 150". Nothing replaces experience...period. "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WrongWay 0 #89 August 18, 2004 Quotefrom what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. I didn't even realize the other person only had 300 jumps. It seems the stupidity of these two are equal and extensive beyond what I thought before. Sure they tested to see if he could fall, but do you realize how many factors they didn't include? How about the landing area being more congested than almost any other dz on the planet? What about a secondary plan in case he did fall off (under 1000 ft)? They only thought of themselves, and barely did that. Gee, that's some great preparation.... Quote was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver. Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours Almost every newer jumper thinks this of themselves at one point. He very well could be a prodigy, hell I don't know him. Still, prodigy or not, he's a dumbass and that very well may kill him one day. There is no benefit of the doubt for those who sacrifice all intelligence, safety, and regard for others for a 15 minute ego boost. You have 75 jumps and are a newbie. For your own sake, please find someone else to look up to. This is not cool, not smart, and certainly more of an act of sheer stupidity than a "stunt". Think to yourself for a moment, "Do I really want to idolize and look up to people that are perceived as idiots by everyone with more experience than them? Is this a good idea for me? Are these really good skydiving role models for me?". For your sake, think about that. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WFFC 1 #90 August 18, 2004 Was proper planning involved? -No *They did not obtain all the permissions that would be needed to complete a stunt like this. The event organizers probably would not have granted it anyway due to the potential outcomes. Again, the stupid human trick award for the WFFC 2004 goes to these two.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites adamUK 3 #91 August 18, 2004 In my climbing days I used to go soloing* sometimes right at my grade (I was doing E3 (UK) or 5.10d). Most of those who I know who solo do it for very personal reasons, mostly to do with reaching an inner calm and the feeling of true freedom whilst climbing. Most do it when there are only few or no people around. Those who solo hard routes are also very experienced since you have to know what you can do rather than find out you can't somewhere near the top. It sounds as the Mr Bill was a stunt. The other differnce is that if you fall off soloing a route then you are not likely to kill anyone else in the process. *free climbing is with with ropes & gear but you use them to protect you if you fall only, not to help you climb - if you do, that's aid climbing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ChuteUAFFI 0 #92 August 18, 2004 literal my ass they didDo it I got my camera. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites poppenhager 1 #93 August 18, 2004 Years ago we were solo from #1 because there were no instructors,and most of us were LUCKY. POP D47 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pkasdorf 0 #94 August 18, 2004 QuoteQuotewow! balls of steel. who's got the video? I've got the video. I'll post it when I get home when I've got a bit more time. Bottom line, this was the best display of stupid human tricks so far at the WFFC. Hopefully, this is the last. Did you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! HISPA # 18 POPS # 8757 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites jdunklin2002 0 #95 August 19, 2004 just commenting.giving my opinion.And i am 40 yrs old man and have 4 children. looking up to a 20 year old kid(my oldest is 22)is not really an option.just remembering when i was 20. some of the crazy shit i used to do on a moto-cross bike(susuki rm 125) everybody said i would kill MYself.those stunts in todays world would seem awful tame.so i guess you can agree with my opinion or disagree seeya. blue skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites hookitt 1 #96 August 19, 2004 Who's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites genoyamamoto 0 #97 August 19, 2004 Quote... but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? People said Paul Cousins was a natural. Natural AFF, solid sitfly at 12 jumps. Everyone told him that and he believed he was. He got a stiletto 190 and landed it safely several times, then (surprise!) at 44 jumps he drove it right into the ground. Now he's dead. Being a natural sure helped him out. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WFFC 1 #98 August 19, 2004 QuoteDid you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! I'm home. Just haven't had time to get the camera out of the bag yet.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Newbie 0 #99 August 19, 2004 QuoteWho's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. im surprised no one has asked for pictures of this guy for other reasons. Personally if i was jumping in the US i would want to know what he looks like so if i ever saw him, i'd make sure i was never anywhere close to getting on a load with him. It's actually gob smacking to me that people will readily know this guy, his behaviour and his outlook on life, and happily get on the same plane as him. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites akarunway 1 #100 August 19, 2004 Less than one minute before, I watched another jumper land crosswind and cut off a second jumper. At 60 ft off the ground, the second jumper had to do a 90 degree turn and then land crosswind also. No one was hurt? Luck___________ I watched a unamed 4 way team ( the best in the world at the tme) on vidio one day at the DZ. A fucking airplane was ONE SECOND below them while they were turning pts. Are all these newbies gonna turn this sport into a fuckin pussy whiner contest. Take a chance and have fun. Jeez. If you're afraid of dying stay away from the DZ. Just be as careful as you can. I guess I'm gonna have to start BASE jumping to get away from all the pussies Flame awayI hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Page 4 of 7 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 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happythoughts 0 #85 August 18, 2004 QuoteAfter all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt I was standing there watching. They landed less than 50 feet from me. Less than one minute before, I watched another jumper land crosswind and cut off a second jumper. At 60 ft off the ground, the second jumper had to do a 90 degree turn and then land crosswind also. No one was hurt? Luck. Imagine trying to land crosswind with someone on your shoulders. There were within 1 minute of someone being hurt. They were also lucky that one of the hook-turn yahoos weren't screaming in at the same time. You can't dodge another canopy like that. I have seen multiple landing collisions in the main landing area. It is the wrong place to show off. I thought it was an amazing stunt. I congratulated John. I thought it was irresponsible to do it in the main landing area. A little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. I still think it is a bad idea to try anywhere, regardless of experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vdschoor 0 #86 August 18, 2004 Quote A little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. This was talked about before they left for the boogies, but the problem with wearing a base rig is that you are not allowed to jump out of an airplane with that, so that was not an option. Iwan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goose491 0 #87 August 18, 2004 QuoteA little more planning might have resulted in someone wearing a BASE rig, in case of a 200 ft AGL dismount. So I also don't think it was well thought out. You'd have a lot more people agreeing that the stunt was stupid if the Mr. Bill passenger was wearing a BASE rig. My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabr190 0 #88 August 18, 2004 Quotefrom what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. this kid may be "crazy" as everyone seems to think. but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? A45109 75 jumps and counting!Quote[email] I don't believe in the "natural", sure I have seen alot of peeps that took to skydiving like a duck to water. But, I have also seen "naturals" hauled from the DZ in an ambulance with mult broken bones, because someone said "sure you can handle that Stiletto 150". Nothing replaces experience...period. "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WrongWay 0 #89 August 18, 2004 Quotefrom what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. I didn't even realize the other person only had 300 jumps. It seems the stupidity of these two are equal and extensive beyond what I thought before. Sure they tested to see if he could fall, but do you realize how many factors they didn't include? How about the landing area being more congested than almost any other dz on the planet? What about a secondary plan in case he did fall off (under 1000 ft)? They only thought of themselves, and barely did that. Gee, that's some great preparation.... Quote was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver. Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours Almost every newer jumper thinks this of themselves at one point. He very well could be a prodigy, hell I don't know him. Still, prodigy or not, he's a dumbass and that very well may kill him one day. There is no benefit of the doubt for those who sacrifice all intelligence, safety, and regard for others for a 15 minute ego boost. You have 75 jumps and are a newbie. For your own sake, please find someone else to look up to. This is not cool, not smart, and certainly more of an act of sheer stupidity than a "stunt". Think to yourself for a moment, "Do I really want to idolize and look up to people that are perceived as idiots by everyone with more experience than them? Is this a good idea for me? Are these really good skydiving role models for me?". For your sake, think about that. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WFFC 1 #90 August 18, 2004 Was proper planning involved? -No *They did not obtain all the permissions that would be needed to complete a stunt like this. The event organizers probably would not have granted it anyway due to the potential outcomes. Again, the stupid human trick award for the WFFC 2004 goes to these two.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites adamUK 3 #91 August 18, 2004 In my climbing days I used to go soloing* sometimes right at my grade (I was doing E3 (UK) or 5.10d). Most of those who I know who solo do it for very personal reasons, mostly to do with reaching an inner calm and the feeling of true freedom whilst climbing. Most do it when there are only few or no people around. Those who solo hard routes are also very experienced since you have to know what you can do rather than find out you can't somewhere near the top. It sounds as the Mr Bill was a stunt. The other differnce is that if you fall off soloing a route then you are not likely to kill anyone else in the process. *free climbing is with with ropes & gear but you use them to protect you if you fall only, not to help you climb - if you do, that's aid climbing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ChuteUAFFI 0 #92 August 18, 2004 literal my ass they didDo it I got my camera. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites poppenhager 1 #93 August 18, 2004 Years ago we were solo from #1 because there were no instructors,and most of us were LUCKY. POP D47 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pkasdorf 0 #94 August 18, 2004 QuoteQuotewow! balls of steel. who's got the video? I've got the video. I'll post it when I get home when I've got a bit more time. Bottom line, this was the best display of stupid human tricks so far at the WFFC. Hopefully, this is the last. Did you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! HISPA # 18 POPS # 8757 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites jdunklin2002 0 #95 August 19, 2004 just commenting.giving my opinion.And i am 40 yrs old man and have 4 children. looking up to a 20 year old kid(my oldest is 22)is not really an option.just remembering when i was 20. some of the crazy shit i used to do on a moto-cross bike(susuki rm 125) everybody said i would kill MYself.those stunts in todays world would seem awful tame.so i guess you can agree with my opinion or disagree seeya. blue skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites hookitt 1 #96 August 19, 2004 Who's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites genoyamamoto 0 #97 August 19, 2004 Quote... but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? People said Paul Cousins was a natural. Natural AFF, solid sitfly at 12 jumps. Everyone told him that and he believed he was. He got a stiletto 190 and landed it safely several times, then (surprise!) at 44 jumps he drove it right into the ground. Now he's dead. Being a natural sure helped him out. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WFFC 1 #98 August 19, 2004 QuoteDid you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! I'm home. Just haven't had time to get the camera out of the bag yet.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Newbie 0 #99 August 19, 2004 QuoteWho's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. im surprised no one has asked for pictures of this guy for other reasons. Personally if i was jumping in the US i would want to know what he looks like so if i ever saw him, i'd make sure i was never anywhere close to getting on a load with him. It's actually gob smacking to me that people will readily know this guy, his behaviour and his outlook on life, and happily get on the same plane as him. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites akarunway 1 #100 August 19, 2004 Less than one minute before, I watched another jumper land crosswind and cut off a second jumper. At 60 ft off the ground, the second jumper had to do a 90 degree turn and then land crosswind also. No one was hurt? Luck___________ I watched a unamed 4 way team ( the best in the world at the tme) on vidio one day at the DZ. A fucking airplane was ONE SECOND below them while they were turning pts. Are all these newbies gonna turn this sport into a fuckin pussy whiner contest. Take a chance and have fun. Jeez. If you're afraid of dying stay away from the DZ. Just be as careful as you can. I guess I'm gonna have to start BASE jumping to get away from all the pussies Flame awayI hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Page 4 of 7 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 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WrongWay 0 #89 August 18, 2004 Quotefrom what i understand, Mcbain(not 100 jumps,almost 300) and his partner rehearsed this plenty. front risor turns,hard toggles etc... from 5000' trying to throw john off and couldnt do it. I didn't even realize the other person only had 300 jumps. It seems the stupidity of these two are equal and extensive beyond what I thought before. Sure they tested to see if he could fall, but do you realize how many factors they didn't include? How about the landing area being more congested than almost any other dz on the planet? What about a secondary plan in case he did fall off (under 1000 ft)? They only thought of themselves, and barely did that. Gee, that's some great preparation.... Quote was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver. Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours Almost every newer jumper thinks this of themselves at one point. He very well could be a prodigy, hell I don't know him. Still, prodigy or not, he's a dumbass and that very well may kill him one day. There is no benefit of the doubt for those who sacrifice all intelligence, safety, and regard for others for a 15 minute ego boost. You have 75 jumps and are a newbie. For your own sake, please find someone else to look up to. This is not cool, not smart, and certainly more of an act of sheer stupidity than a "stunt". Think to yourself for a moment, "Do I really want to idolize and look up to people that are perceived as idiots by everyone with more experience than them? Is this a good idea for me? Are these really good skydiving role models for me?". For your sake, think about that. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WFFC 1 #90 August 18, 2004 Was proper planning involved? -No *They did not obtain all the permissions that would be needed to complete a stunt like this. The event organizers probably would not have granted it anyway due to the potential outcomes. Again, the stupid human trick award for the WFFC 2004 goes to these two.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adamUK 3 #91 August 18, 2004 In my climbing days I used to go soloing* sometimes right at my grade (I was doing E3 (UK) or 5.10d). Most of those who I know who solo do it for very personal reasons, mostly to do with reaching an inner calm and the feeling of true freedom whilst climbing. Most do it when there are only few or no people around. Those who solo hard routes are also very experienced since you have to know what you can do rather than find out you can't somewhere near the top. It sounds as the Mr Bill was a stunt. The other differnce is that if you fall off soloing a route then you are not likely to kill anyone else in the process. *free climbing is with with ropes & gear but you use them to protect you if you fall only, not to help you climb - if you do, that's aid climbing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChuteUAFFI 0 #92 August 18, 2004 literal my ass they didDo it I got my camera. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poppenhager 1 #93 August 18, 2004 Years ago we were solo from #1 because there were no instructors,and most of us were LUCKY. POP D47 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pkasdorf 0 #94 August 18, 2004 QuoteQuotewow! balls of steel. who's got the video? I've got the video. I'll post it when I get home when I've got a bit more time. Bottom line, this was the best display of stupid human tricks so far at the WFFC. Hopefully, this is the last. Did you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! HISPA # 18 POPS # 8757 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdunklin2002 0 #95 August 19, 2004 just commenting.giving my opinion.And i am 40 yrs old man and have 4 children. looking up to a 20 year old kid(my oldest is 22)is not really an option.just remembering when i was 20. some of the crazy shit i used to do on a moto-cross bike(susuki rm 125) everybody said i would kill MYself.those stunts in todays world would seem awful tame.so i guess you can agree with my opinion or disagree seeya. blue skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #96 August 19, 2004 Who's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genoyamamoto 0 #97 August 19, 2004 Quote... but i was there when he was going through aff and the general concesus was he was a natual skydiver.Maybe(perish the thought!) his learning curve is a little steeper then the rest of ours. i think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.After all they DID land it and NO ONE was hurt, AND someone does have to be the first otherwise how can there be a second? People said Paul Cousins was a natural. Natural AFF, solid sitfly at 12 jumps. Everyone told him that and he believed he was. He got a stiletto 190 and landed it safely several times, then (surprise!) at 44 jumps he drove it right into the ground. Now he's dead. Being a natural sure helped him out. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WFFC 1 #98 August 19, 2004 QuoteDid you get home and a bit more time?.... There is a crowd waiting! Thank you in advance! I'm home. Just haven't had time to get the camera out of the bag yet.----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newbie 0 #99 August 19, 2004 QuoteWho's got a Picture of McBain? He may have been one of my AFF students but I don't know him by his last name. im surprised no one has asked for pictures of this guy for other reasons. Personally if i was jumping in the US i would want to know what he looks like so if i ever saw him, i'd make sure i was never anywhere close to getting on a load with him. It's actually gob smacking to me that people will readily know this guy, his behaviour and his outlook on life, and happily get on the same plane as him. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akarunway 1 #100 August 19, 2004 Less than one minute before, I watched another jumper land crosswind and cut off a second jumper. At 60 ft off the ground, the second jumper had to do a 90 degree turn and then land crosswind also. No one was hurt? Luck___________ I watched a unamed 4 way team ( the best in the world at the tme) on vidio one day at the DZ. A fucking airplane was ONE SECOND below them while they were turning pts. Are all these newbies gonna turn this sport into a fuckin pussy whiner contest. Take a chance and have fun. Jeez. If you're afraid of dying stay away from the DZ. Just be as careful as you can. I guess I'm gonna have to start BASE jumping to get away from all the pussies Flame awayI hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites