
Pull Hand Signal

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Hey does anyone know how the hand signal for PULL (fist with one finger pointed out) actually originated??

We have a heated disscusion:
nowadays the meaning of the sign is explained as a gesture conveing urgency - pull now!
also one pointed finger is often employed in emotionally heated discussions, so its undoubtedly recognized as a powerful gesture and would provoke a fight or flight response - pull your parachute or die
It could even be interpreted as a makeshift handle that needs to be pulled

However one day as I looked at the sign on my own hand I noticed something remarkable: with the fist not entirely closed and the index only slightly flexed my hand formed the exact outline of a PARACHUTE PIN
so could the sign actually be symbolizing the pin that has to be pulled?
Has anyone ever heard of that?

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The idea was originally to point to the main ripcord, which was mounted on the right main lift web, about where the cutaway pillow is now -- before cutaway pillows were common. It worked then, because it used the gesture's conventional meaning: "Look there!"

Nowadays for students under stress (but I repeat myself), it retains its conventional meaning, "Look over there!" which leads to much hilarity when the student does exactly that.

It's time for something better. How about a closed fist, which at least mimes the action of grabbing a ripcord or pilot chute handle?


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It's time for something better. How about a closed fist, which at least mimes the action of grabbing a ripcord or pilot chute handle?

YES - "Grab it"

It's also nice to have the PRCP = the open hand vs the pull = closed fist. Then you can show them together for memory retention and clarity during review - "see the difference in ripcord signals? 'touch it' vs 'grab it' "

sometimes it's also nice to point to something (see the plane? look at what the other JM is signaling. etc etc) for a particularly good student

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It's time for something better. How about a closed fist, which at least mimes the action of grabbing a ripcord or pilot chute handle?

I guess some places use that?

I'm at a CSPA DZ doing PFF where we do use the fist signal for pulling. It's not in my notes from taking PFF courses, and other places do things differently, but we must have gotten the idea from somewhere.

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Some military schools use the hand signal "4" (as in four fingers out, thumb folded in). Easy to do since all students have a 4k pull altitude during AFF style training.
We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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However one day as I looked at the sign on my own hand I noticed something remarkable: with the fist not entirely closed and the index only slightly flexed my hand formed the exact outline of a PARACHUTE PIN
so could the sign actually be symbolizing the pin that has to be pulled?
Has anyone ever heard of that?

Nope, that was long before students had throw out pilot chutes.

Please,let's leave it standardized. An industrial psychologist will tell you that the human eye and brain process a green light faster than a red light but it's too late to change all the world's traffic signals and driver's training. A big fat index finger to the face seems to be pretty clear to a well trained student. PULL!:P

If you need to point to something for an AFF student, use your whole extended hand. That works well. :)

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During our AFF my friend was on cat 2. He was having video and finished the turns. His instructor pointed to the video guy so my friend would look up. He mistook the gesture as the pull signal and did, about 1000+ft early.

I'd have demanded extra credit for that one! "Well I pulled when you told me to!"
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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It came from a US instructor that worked here for a bit I believe (had this conversation the other day). The problem with the first is when you're doing level 4 or something and you're in front of the student and your hands are cold you makes fists B| mind the one finger signal is the same as our turn signal so I vote we go back to slapping students in the head :)

In all seriousness the fist has worked well 'Pull of I'll punch you' normally gets a laugh and the message across.

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Point the index finger, but use the thumb, like kids play cowboy shooting. That is what I was tought in the 90's. Instructor said it means fire, something, main reserve whatever, but you need to fire now.
You have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to tell you how Fu***** stupid it is.
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His instructor pointed to the video guy so my friend would look up. He mistook the gesture as the pull signal and did, about 1000+ft early.

He didn't mistake the gesture - he followed his training perfectly. Good job.

the instructor on the other hand was probably feeling very sheepish afterwards (it happens)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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