
Temporary Flight Restriction for Florida

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Our esteemed leader has launched a re-election campaign bus tour that will shut down just about every aviation related activity from Orlando east to Cocoa, and then south to West Palm Beach.

No flight training, no SKYDIVING etc etc etc.

This will effect most of the east coast of Florida Drop Zones.

All be advised. From 8:30am to 6:30pm Sunday Sept 9th. Providing he doesn't get delayed, you might get the sunset load...


Airline Transport Pilot, Multi-Engine Land, DHC-8
Commercial Multi-Engine Sea, Single Engine Land
Private Glider

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You think that's bad? We had a boogie planned for the weekend after 9/11 and the Casa-212 had already arrived for the boogie when it all happened. We paid for that plane sitting on the ground for a week and then had a horrible boogie turn out after the TFR was lifted.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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