
That Ribbon-ish Sound...

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The rush of that much fabric is very loud. And 240+ canpoies opening made it THE coolest thing I ever saw and heard in my life.

The bomb-burst of a break-off, the whoosh of tracking bodies and the crackle and bloom of opening canopies. Like daylight human fireworks. :)

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The canopies should appear first, followed by the sound of the opening canopies about 10 seconds or more later, assuming minimum opening altitudes of 2,000'. Sound travels at about 1,000 feet per second. It wouild be impossible per the laws of physics for you to hear the sound of opening canopies before they were visually viewable. Light travels just a little bit faster than sound. What you may be hearing is the sound of the wind rushing past the bodies in freefall, before the canopy openings.

Often there are multiple groups, of course. I think what tends to happen is that you hear the first group opening, and then look up to see the canopies deploy for the later groups.

Interesting to think about the physics, though. The higher pullers open first, but the sound has further to travel - and the dirty low pullers open later and nearer to the ground. So I guess the relatively slow speed of sound concentrates the deployment noise into a shorter, more intense burst than the accompanying visuals would suggest.

OK, I may be overthinking this now. :D

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