QuoteI tried to tell you that you put that shit on backwards!
Not us..the Military team!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Is there any validity to that? I truly don't know... but I'd love to see factual reference to go along with an accusation.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Again, how many do we need?
I've received recent pics of a current & outspoken WS 'instructor' 1/2 heartbeat out the door wings open, head even with the tail...looks to me like it's not just 'n00bs' that haven't gotten 'the word'.
If a self described 'instructor' makes that error, who's bullshitting who?
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Skwrl 56
QuoteI've received recent pics of a current & outspoken WS 'instructor' 1/2 heartbeat out the door wings open, head even with the tail...looks to me like it's not just 'n00bs' that haven't gotten 'the word'.
I think that was part of my point... I'm sure whoever that was was told "stay small when you're leaving the plane" when he or she first was taught to wingsuit. My friend and instructor Steve Harrington knew that, for sure (as I mentioned, he taught me that!). In my estimation, risk-wise, I don't think it's the first flight guys that are at risk - it's the experienced guys who get complacent or upsize suits too fast...
And one answer could be, "well, sure but a WSI program will fix that because everyone will be taught not to do that on their first flight!". But I'll point to my (really awesome) AFF instructor who taught me and a bunch of others in my class not to turn low. Some of my contemporaries (hundreds of jumps later) started swooping. Some of those guys biffed and hurt themselves. Would a better AFF program have prevented that? I'm not sure.
Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork
Is there any validity to that? I truly don't know... but I'd love to see factual reference to go along with an accusation.
Are you sure you want to venture into the twisted wingsuit family history dark secrets file? Rich W thought he would be delivering a valentine of good news in the form of a USPA WSI program and instead got threats and hate mail......from a twisted bunch.
The tragic forgotten leg straps fatality is blamed on a chief WS instructor from another brand. Some others that are WAY pro USPA WSI also hold other unspecified personal grudges against the same individual. Isn't that right markus?
I hear claims like "the USPA will never let him have the WSI rating" here in recent posts from the last few weeks pertaining to this WSI. Although I'm not aware of a way to black ball a person from a rating if they can qualify, they qualify.... right?
There might also be resentment from one individuals denial of being allowed on a big way, from another individuals criticizing of a judging method for a big way, of another individual being subversive at a big way.
There are more personal agendas flying around this topic than particles at the super collider.
Non of it is secret, it is all well documented in the open in these forums, well the WS forum. You just have to know what archive to look at.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
I could never argue and win We have no need for improvement. I believe we should strive for excellence and awesomeness in safety, training & performance and move away from complacency.
I don't think this measure gets us any closer, it just gives us an admistrative "good feeling" and enforcement and teeth.
Lets admit it there is a lot of hostility towards a small number of WSIs that some people here feel have behaved "criminally" and they want the ability to reach out and spank offenders years after the perceived offences. Welcome to the skydiver lynch mob.
Too many bad AFFIs and Ti's who deal directly with wuffos are not on any spank list.
Is the list of ROGUE wingsuit instructors so large we need to create a new strata of enforcers.......... Come on!?! If you dig deep enough to the issue you may even feel a "brand war vibe".
You don't need to dig very deeply - just read some DZ.COM posts from a couple of years ago.
There is clearly an unstated agenda behind this proposal that is obvious to anyone who's been wingsuiting for a few years, but maybe not obvious to non wingsuiters.
How many incidents have involved novice wingsuiters that can be attributed to poor training?
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.