
Help please!! Uk skydiving.co.uk has disappeared!!!

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I've recently raised nearly £600 in preparation for a charity jump for my friends daughter who is in remission from bone cancer. I tried to log back into my fund raising page this morning on their website and it's saying "under construction" and their phone line is dead!! I'm so worried about the money all my friends and family have donated to the charity through this website!! Can anyone give me any information as to what has happened to them (and the donations)

Very anxious and distraught fund raiser :(

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ukskydiving.com is functional. That dropzone (North London Skydiving Center) is located at the Chatteris Airfield, Cambridgeshire. On the other hand, ukskydiving.co.uk is "under construction". Hopefully the North London Skydiving center (ukskydiving.com) is the one you have been dealing with.

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Andy is quite widely known in the European skydiving scene. Having met him on occasion, I highly doubt he has run off with your money.

This is a small niche sport and companies that operate in skydiving don’t exactly have the support staff of Microsoft or Oracle. Even when we know each other personally, we can go many days without be able to contact each other when off on skydiving trips. By nature, skydiving needs wide open spaces, so we often are in places with questionable phone/internet/wifi coverage.

A website going down can be a simple as not paying your hosting fee or when it came up for autopay your credit card on file had the old expiry date. Companies House data can be out-of-date/incorrect for years.

Of course I understand your concern, but I don’t think you need to take this to the prime minister and parliament yet – it’s the beginning of summer near a weekend. Give it another day or two.
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Thanks guys,

It's not Andrew that is the director of the company, I've found out it's a chap called John Royce. I by no means am accusing Andrew of anything. It was just suggested on here that he was associated with the company, therefore the post continued on from that.

Obviously you can understand my concern when family, friends and colleagues have all donated substantianal sums of money to the website/company and obvioulsy the dread of losing it all is setting in.

Also to make matter worse I might not to get to jump and the charity will not get their donations :(

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Andy is currently in hospital following a tunnel mishap resulting in a trapped spinal nerve (ouch)...

i've just seen the picture - apparently, he's quite fond of being there! B|

andy, if you stumble over this, i wish you a speedy recovery.. :)
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Andy is currently in hospital following a tunnel mishap resulting in a trapped spinal nerve (ouch)...

that's what you get for slow tunnel flying B| ouchiiie
get well soon baybaaaay daaaaaarlin'
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Andy is part of Skydive UK Ltd. get well soon bud!!

maybe you should try the number on this page http://web.archive.org/web/20100831223045/http://www.ukskydiving.co.uk/ContactUs.html I remember seeing the webpage not too long ago so maybe they havent paid their fees yet
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Well just tried calling them again. The answerphone message is now saying UK Skydiving is closed for Restructuring and to contact Morganpringle@ymail.com.

Surprise, Surprise the email doesn't work! And had no response from them for the Breach of Contract letter that was sent last week!

Losing faith :(

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