
Learning to pack my own rig

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Im guessing its got a lot to do with the DZ your at, I started learning to pack student kit when I was going through my RAPS, I was bored of sitting around waiting for student lifts and student kit to be packed.

I started by just watching kit get packed, then talking to the packers about what they were doing. then started to ask them about them showing me to pack, and I got told to come and find them on a bad weather day. so when it was shit and no jumping I went and found them and said im here, now can you teach me to pack :).

It worked and I spent 5 hours one day going over everything. doing one stage at a time and repeating that one part till it got boring. than started packing student kit and getting all the checks signed off. now I've learnt to pro pack the same way. and the other week did my packing certificate for student kit (SL, ripcord and throw away) and also my own kit.
Spank the

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