
World CRW Team in China

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Looked like the pilots don't bother with their seatbelts when they fly. I always get a kick out of 3rd world safety procedures. :D

Too bad we didn't have video of the pilots smoking on the way to altitude, with an ashtray on top of a spare fuel tank.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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Great vid! Makes me want to go to China. (I can't believe I said that--I hate to travel.)
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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They seem to have cleaned up the air quite a bit. Back in 1991 you could not see across the airfield because of the smoke. Under canopy you could smell the coal smoke at about 6 grand, and once above about that height you could not see the ground through the smog.

Looks like the same hotel we stayed at, and certainly the same AN2 aircraft. The city looks a bit more modern though.....

A great memory memory is the massive food fight at the closing banquet......
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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They seem to have cleaned up the air quite a bit. Back in 1991 you could not see across the airfield because of the smoke. Under canopy you could smell the coal smoke at about 6 grand, and once above about that height you could not see the ground through

A great memory memory is the massive food fight at the closing banquet......

The location was Anyang, a good-sized city of about 5M population. The air quality was pretty bad. Anyang is a heavily industrialized place. This was a great contrast with the airshow visit by the World CRW Team last year to Laiwu, a smaller town of about 1M. There the air was much cleaner and the airshow site was more out in the country.

Air quality overall was much lower overall on this visit compared to the last. Last year, even Beijing was pretty clear, with blue skies. This time, not so much. I have a feeling that it also depends on the season. Last year's visit was in the fall, this year's, in summer.

Funny you mention the food fight. We were told that a similar incident a few years ago caused very hard feelings with the Chinese hosts, and were counseled to avoid such behavior at all costs.

Kevin K.

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Anyang was where we were at in 1991. Most teams stayed on the airfield for a few weeks before the competition at the air force base...conditions were very good there, but when the competition started we were all moved to a flash new hotel which proved to be not as good as the AF base quarters.

One big reason for the food fight was because the manager of the hotel itself was a real slimeball who tried to rip everyone off by doubling the prices of everything sold in the hotel (in fact right in front of our eyes he instructed stasff to change the prices) which didn`t work because you could buy the same stuff at a tenth of the price out on the street.

This manager frequently abused his staff, even striking a maid in front of guests on one occassion, and by the end everyone thought he was a real arsehole.

The food fight was spontaneous, but once it started went completely out of control, mainly because he stood there with a look of absolute horror, while his staff in the background looked on with glee, recognising that it was a huge loss of face for him....and most people had no hesitation telling the Chinese officials that it was a reaction to his arrogant and nasty behaviour.

Prolly not politically correct at all, but it was a damn good food fight......I think it was the Aussies that started it....:D

My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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The World Championships was in 1992. I was there also.

"The 4th World Championships in CRW were held in Anyang, China, September 15-25. There were more than 200 000 spectators in the opening ceremonies and every day more than 10 000 spectators were watching the competition jumps. YAN-5, a Chinese copy of the Russian AN-2 was the jump plane. France won rotation and sequential, the USA won 8-speed event. Finnish rotation team members, Anita Nurminen, Maija Makela and Maija Haanpaa (alt) made history in China. They and sequential jumper Pat Sobrero from the USA were the first female competitors in world championships ever. Sobrero was also the first female medalist winning silver with her team."

- more about CRW history from www.skydivehame.com/cf

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1992....you are right, not sure where I got 1991 from...my alzheimers must be kicking in stronger than I thought.

The opening ceremony was certainly impressive for the numbers of people there, they seemed to cover the whole airfield...I particularly remember the helicopter display, they had a little Robinson 22 which blew dust over all the high ranking Chinese officials who were there. I guess they thought a R22 was pretty impressive.

Also remember the Aussie 8 way team doing a demo at the opening ceremony and landing off the airfield....we gave them a bit of stick for that....
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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