
Skydiving Quotes

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While drinking beer and bitching about the winds, clouds, etc -
"Better to be on the ground wishing that you were in the air than to be in the air wishing you were on the ground."
So true.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid never live at all.

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-since you won't be good, be bad gloriously
-If you land with a smile, the jump was good
-In 4 way comp to the camera flyer: "Make sure the close-up of my pilot chute looks good"
-JC while getting on the life flight helicopter:"Can my buddies jump off your ride?"
-paramedic on the same life flight ride: "what happened?", JC:"I lost the game"
There are no dangerous dives
Only dangerous divers

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-JC while getting on the life flight helicopter:"Can my buddies jump off your ride?"

HAHAHA. i can only imagine the pilots response :D:D:D
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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All the time in our airborne jumps , "What'sa matter. You want to live forever?"

Tandem stuff: When you jump out ot the plane, there's a planet aimed right at you. So unless you think you can miss it, you gotta pull the ripcord when I tell you.

When we are at 12,000 feet, and the door is open, what's the worst thing that could happen to us? Fall out of the door. What's the best thing that could happen to us? Fall out the door. Well, when the worst thing that could happen is the same as the best thing - it's a perfect world!

I feel the need! The need for speed!

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From the movie Navy SEALS just prior to tailgating a C-130.

Whoever: Y'all be safe out there.

Charlie Sheen (who else?): If I wanted to be safe, I would've joined the Coast Guard.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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What's your favorite skydiving related quote??? B|

How about an unquote. I hate the yuppies that show up but dont want to go on a load "Were waiting for friends .Number two after they arrive I am starved lets go eat . Ambling back much later to find out the manifest is backed up until sun down, Then to hear their reply while putting their gear back. "What a crummy DZ I was here all day and never got to jump, I am never coming back. My quote to that"You can always eat but you cant always jump . My Michigan quote is "Jump as much as you can because you never know when you can do it again your in Michigan 45 years of it here and trying for tomorrow wish me luck

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I have two quotes:

(1) Solo skydiving is just like MASTURBATING. Sure it's fun but eventually you will want someone else there with you.

(2) ...... good for a T-shirt, bad for telling those in the first jump course

or "...there's no success like failure, and failure's no success at all" ...especially if you jump out of airplanes.

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to waiting tandems while packing.... "Am I doing this right?"

while harnessing... "I guess this looks like it did in the video this morning."

sticker next to door (C182)... "If your scared, tell us" Not that it will chnge anything :)
to a tandem after a successful landing... "NO! sounds just like GO! when we are sitting in the open door"

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Tandem Student: "Is there anything we can do if the reserve doesn't open?"
Instructor: "Yeah, we find the rigger's car and aim for it!"

But one of my favorite quotes (can be skydiving related): "I will not tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death."

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A local instructor:
"If the wind sock has a hard on... somebody's gonna get fucked."

A rule posted at a boogie:
"Deploy at least one parachute before impact."

Instructor to me, when I got signed off for the A license:
"You now have a license to kill... yourself."

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