
Best money/time spent?

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Where would you say your best money/time spent in the sport was? Ratings? Wingsuit? Canopys? Coaching? Where/what do you regret spending money/time on in the sport?

well I dont have ratings or wingsuits, so I would say coaching!
but my best time? i guess would be in australia. maybe only because of the surrounding excitement (travel) but I like traveling to new dz's and places.
but without a canopy skydiving still would be cool! ONCE!
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>Where would you say your best money/time spent in the sport was?

AFF rating. Hardest rating I've ever gotten, taught me more about myself and about teaching than any other rating I've gotten. Plus I really learned how to fly, and suddenly had the money to skydive a lot (2 AFF's = 3 fun jumps.)

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I am a newbie, and as such haven't been able to experience all the options of training and ratings and whatnot. That being said....


We do AFF/ISP (whatever) to learn how to be safe in the air, and I think that canopy instruction is vital to the continuance of the safety aspect - I mean, more people get hurt because of errors in landing skills, I think, than in errors in RW/FF....and canopy class is faaaaaaaaar more than "you're flaring early/late"...it's also about how to actually fly the canopy, and understand why it does what it does under certain circumstances. For some, canopy flying is intuitive...for me, it was counterintuitive...

Just my .02, though.

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The best money I've spent was on the wind-tunnel when I had about 70 jumps. It really helped me a lot with my flat-flying (specifically getting my BPA FS1 licence). It gave me a lot more confidence in flat flying.

I regret overdoing coaching. I did 35 2-way coach jumps in four days. Both in terms of money spent and frustration this was very stupid of me. I should've only done about 15 and then done some some consolidation/fun jumps.

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coaching, both in the tunnel and in skills camps.

I really thought I could fly. HA! :$

Best investment ever. The way I look at the tunnel is that even though it costs so much, it really works out to costing about $10 a jump...and that would be considered cheap at any DZ!

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Best money spent fun-wise: balloon jump! $60 and it was worth every penny. When I become horribly rich (ha!) I'll do them every chance I have.

Best money spent practical-wise: my Lotus (main canopy). My neck is very thankful that I got rid of my old canopy. Plus I love the airlocks.

I regret a goggle purchase here and there, the ones that fell apart. That's about it though.

My next investment will probably be a full-face even though I feel claustrophobic wearing them on the ground. I'm told you get used to it....

blue skies!

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Best money spent, Basic Camp with Gary and Solly (among others) Tandem and rigging pay back and are fun. Training in Deland and the tunnel was great fun.
What was not so good was making hundreds of jumps without weights arching so hard I could barely fly. Years ago.


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For me the time and effort I put into getting instructional and rigger ratings was very well spent as I use what I learned then every day in my current job.

Working toward JFTC was also well worth it- I can see a definite improvement in my flying today over how I flew two to three years ago.

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Where would you say your best money/time spent in the sport was?

I just got back from the wind tunnel in Orlando last weekend, and I'm really excited to see how these new skills translate in the air tomorrow. It was a lot of money, but worth every penny. Kurt Gaebel (NSL) put together a good program. Shannon Pilcher has some great coaches with him. Lise Aune is a pleasure to watch fly with grace and power at the same time.

I want my next investment to be focused on competitive items, but am torn to get my Coaching and AFF rating too....what next...money and time will tell! :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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LOL! That was a blast, wasn't it? Dusty was a hoot! Every 4-way team needs someone with that kind of attitude.

The guy brought the entire hangar at Eloy to a standstill because he was cheering for us so loudly when we were being judged on the big screen. Seriously, though, it was worth every penny spent to hear a die-hard free-flyer scream "4-way ROCKS!" in the plane on round 6.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Best $$$ ever spent for fun...
WFFC...'94..for 3 memorable skydives from
the Boeing 727,,on the same day...
Best $$$ ever spent for practical reasons....buying
my Sony VX-1000...camcorder.
Best $$$ ever spent,,,,,,,IN MY LIFE....50 bucks;) !!
for my first jump static line course,,,,,back when 50 bucks would buy you around 100 gallons of gasoline !!!:ph34r:
"it's really not money SPENT,,, it's money invested,,, in one's own happiness" and it has paid me back tenfold..... jt ps.. the $$ I invested for my Javelin/Spectre rig... was "The right thing to do!!!"
thanks Sun Path and Performance Designs.

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This is actually a tricky question...

I guess I would have to say Quincy in '01 since that's where my love for the sport really grew. It was the first time for me jumping out of different aircraft, making more than 2 jumps in a weekend, improving my skills in a crazy way (thanks billvon!)

The only things I've really wasted my money on in the sport are goggles (how do I go through them so quickly?) and food (I need to start taking my own sandwiches to the dz).
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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The best cash I spent was on doing my WARP after 70 jumps.I was going to hold out till I made another visit to a warm country so I could get the consistancy, but I stayed in the UK and I managed to get good weather and knocked out my six jumps in 2 days.
It enable me to take my CAT 8 mate out for our 1st time in the plane together and for our 1st jump together.
Did I say 1st twice? Doh!

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Rig aside (cuz it lets me do this stuff), has to be memorial day weekend this year. Did 26 jumps that weekend, and made that last step to being able to dock headdown. I've improved a bit since then, but that weekend really really helped. I jumped with some really talented freefliers that taught me a ton.

the freefly suit also was a great purchase....though i am glad i learned to freefly without it.

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Humm,heres one for ya.The ten jumps in one day for $25.00 was pretty cool($2.50 to 2,500)Friday tac loads.(pay for time flying as fast as you can get to jump run(1,800-2,000)All competition jumps.The judging.Basically everything was cool.4-way refresher at Deland.Nationals at Eloy.etc.etc.etc.All my "Jedei" test jumps at Z-Hills.

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Easy one... My JM rating & BIC course. I really love working with students and seeing the look on their faces after their first jump, when something "clicks" for them, and when they graduate.

Other than that, I would have to say any coaching jump I have paid for. I have been lucky in getting coaching from some really great people. Yeah, I still suck in the sky and will continue to for a while yet, but now I can do it with style.;)


Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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