
Hybrid Breakoffs & Tracking

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Anyone with a lot of hybrid experience have some advice on tracking after breakoff ? I've been on a few hybrids and know that the stingers & hangars leave first, with the base usually hanging in there a bit before they breakoff and track. But I as I'm in the base I usually find it rather unnerving to see so many freeflyers tracking so far below me. The problem is they haven't really made much progress leaving the area and since they're low, they have right of way. It's an uneasy feeling because it's like trying to track through a minefield with so many people so far below. Whereas on belly loads the altitude separation, while it exists, is not so extreme.

Should the base breakoff, track 5 seconds and dump high, or what ? I've done some searching in the forums but can't seem to find anything specific on this issue.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I don't know if it is "right" or "wrong" but this is how we do it.:)Four way base and up to four hangers/stingers:

Hangers/Stingers drop off and track like hell at 5K, deploy no higher than 3K.

Base stays together till 4K, short track (there are only 4 of them) and deploy by 2.5 or 3 wherever they are comfortable.

Camera (if present) takes the center no matter what.

The key for us has been to use freeflyers that know how to track for survival, not just for tracking dives;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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and deploy by 2.5 or 3 wherever they are comfortable.

We re not talking big ways or really long tracking times, but, I would rather the outside people tracking to a lower alti then the inside/base people. Less chance of any catching up happening.

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How many freeflyers (total hangers/stingers) do you have on your hybrid jumps?

An equal balance of 4&4 is a good mix. Your description makes it sound like there are 8+ freeflyers below and ahead of you throwing PC's.:P

I've never had a problem with standard big-way tracking rules on a hybrid dive.
Break-off altitude; turn 180 and track to pull altitude. By limiting the size of the hybrid jump you've also limited the number of possible people below belly flyers during track off.

If you get a good group of 8 together who are pulling off some good formations you can try some other interesting things... like turning pieces with orbiting stingers.;)

The temptation is to allow "anyone" to join in on the skydive. Hybrid skydives are really the same as big-way freefly jumps. The same rules apply. Corking is really bad. ;) Be certain of the skill level of the people you are jumping with. Stingers dock with minimal (zero) momentum and do not load grips.

Organize (dirt dive) the skydive. This allows everyone to know what the plan is, where their slot is, and keeps it from being less of a "zoo" skydive.;):P

Have fun but have a plan and stay safe.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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Hangers/Stingers drop off and track like hell at 5K, deploy no higher than 3K.
Base stays together till 4K, short track (there are only 4 of them) and deploy by 2.5 or 3 wherever they are comfortable.
Camera (if present) takes the center no matter what.

This sounds sensible. I'm asking after having jumped in the base on a rather large hybrid at a boogie. Most of the time anything larger than a 6 way hybrid is unusual, but this one had 14 people, with only 4 in the base. But like I said, it was a boogie and capable people should be able to push it a bit, intelligently of course.

Our stingers left at 6 grand, hangers at 5500 ft, and the 4 way base held together to 4500, then split. My whole track was spent looking down at trackers all over the place, including one joker who was lying on his back with a big shit eating grin. I spent a long track staying off a lot of backs that I think coulda shoulda had a better head start over me on tracking out of the area. In the end, I maxed out on my D license privileges and took it to 2 grand before dumping, which with a modern canopy meant I wasn't fully open until below 1500 ft. Legal, but not acceptable, especially not to me. As I was also a mile out from the dropzone, I lucked out finding a beautiful big flat field to put myself down in.

There was no discussion of different opening altitudes. I like that idea and if somebody said the base should pull above 3 grand after a short track, with the freeflyers not to dump until they'd gone through 3 grand (or something like that), I'd have gone for that. I didn't really think about it either.

It was still a fun jump, I just didn't like the opening pattern and wouldn't care to go through it again. And I like hybrids & just want to do them safer. So thanks for the ideas.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Hangers/Stingers drop off and track like hell at 5K, deploy no higher than 3K.
Base stays together till 4K, short track (there are only 4 of them) and deploy by 2.5 or 3 wherever they are comfortable.

Thats how the ones I've been around are run.


including one joker who was lying on his back with a big shit eating grin.

Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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That sounds about right. I've done hybrids with up to 16 people around, and if the freeflyers don't track, the base are screwed.

oh thats right..blame it on the "freeflyers" :P:P
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