
A License

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Hey everyone, I recently enlisted in the Marine Corps and will be leaving sometime around July. I have 17 jumps under my belt and I'll be getting my A soon, if the weather allows me to lol.. I'll be in bootcamp for about 13 weeks and then I'll be able to come home for some leave. I was wondering if I will lose my A license or if I'll have to go back and do some AFF classes b/c I would be gone without jumping for some time???

Appreciate it!!!

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--oo-rah-- Before you go run down to the nearest tattoo shop and get an eagle, globe, and anchor tattoo on your forearm..show it to him as you tell him a knock knock joke. You'll be back before you ever lose currency;)
Dude..what the hell is on your head?

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You will get a lot of advice in the next few months so only listen to those who have been there and done that. Don't look any DI in the eye, don't stand out in anyway and show up in great shape. Sit ups, pull ups and running are going to be your life those three months and if you show in great shape running sub six minute miles for 5 miles and able to do 20 pull ups anytime you want and able to do situps all day long you will be fine. Don't get ready and you are going to find your currency a lot farther behind because you could spend a longtime there. Let the DI spend his time terrorizing the guys who show up out of shape. I will be praying for you to get a great MOS and a safe deployment. Remember the best thing you will ever get out of the Marine Corps is you, knowing for the rest of your life that you can do a whole lot more than you ever dared to dream or imagine.God Bless and Semper Fi!!

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I'm an O3XX.

Any idea which 03 MOS youd like to get into? I wouldnt put to much emphasis on distance running, do more crossfit and interval type running, and sprints, even the Corps is switching over to HIT (there version of CrossFit) also grab an old alice pack from a surplus store with a frame, drop in a 35lb sandbag and go walk/run a few miles thats more important than running slick in pt gear and shoes.
Jack of all trades.
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster.
USA Static-line Jumpmaster.

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I would love to have any infantry job. If I had to choose though I would prefer machinegunner or rifleman. Being a grunt is fine w/ me lol :)

go for 0331 than, the m240g is one of my favorite weapons, treated me very well in afghan, as well as the Mk19
Jack of all trades.
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster.
USA Static-line Jumpmaster.

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You will get a lot of advice in the next few months so only listen to those who have been there and done that. Don't look any DI in the eye, don't stand out in anyway and show up in great shape.

And for God's sake, tell the people who write to you to use plain, white envelopes! No perfume!
You will pay...and pay, and pay for it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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You will get a lot of advice in the next few months so only listen to those who have been there and done that. Don't look any DI in the eye, don't stand out in anyway and show up in great shape.

And for God's sake, tell the people who write to you to use plain, white envelopes! No perfume!
You will pay...and pay, and pay for it.

O come on... the quarter deck is the best part of boot camp
Jack of all trades.
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster.
USA Static-line Jumpmaster.

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You will get a lot of advice in the next few months so only listen to those who have been there and done that. Don't look any DI in the eye, don't stand out in anyway and show up in great shape.

And for God's sake, tell the people who write to you to use plain, white envelopes! No perfume!
You will pay...and pay, and pay for it.

Me being the smartass I am, I had a girl who was sending me letters to write "Hello DS Casidy" on the back of one of the envelopes.

"Well, tell her I said hello back, now elevate your motherfucking feet!"

I think I had to elevate my feet on a desk that time, that was a LOT of pushups and apparently they forgot about me for a while (even flipped lights off)

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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True story:
Me and my best friend were in boot camp at the same time. Me - Army, He - Marines.

My ex-GF wrote to us both on a regular basis. Now, she was an artist and her letters would arrive with doodles on the envelopes and often envelopes made out of magazine pages and smelling S w e e t!

Army Sr. DI at mail call:
Smelling and smiling..
"Alright, we know who's this is. Come get it before I cream."

Marines DI:
"Lundy! Get you sorry ass up here and gimme 100*!"

*Pushups, low crawl KP....he went through hell.

One time they even stuck him head down in a trash can and made another bozo beat on it with a shovel for 2 hours.
*NOT worth it!*

That drives my suggestion for plain, white envelopes.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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My father had served in the Navy and knew the way thigs worked so he sent me a go Army T shirt one week and then one piece of gum the next week followed by a box of cookies the next. I was a marked man from that day forward. Mail call was the 1st time in my life I really learned how to pray with all my heart. They dogged me really bad and then made me wear the Go Army Shirt at every PT so all the other DI's would fall out of their platoons to come over and take a turn dogging me. Oh I almost forget about the neat spring loaded strap he sent for my glasses. Now you know what I mean about not standing out. OH RAW!!! Keep you head low, don't volunteer, and find a friend in Communications as their gear has to be kept cool even in the field which means AC so they always have cold drinks! Hint about that 03xx no AC ever! God Bless you will never believe what you have gotten yourself into, and you will never imagine the way you will be forever changed. I'll leave it up to you to decide if that is for the better or worse. M.R.Hamilton SGT USMC 1980-86

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Lots of advice, one thing I would have done is to shave my own head first. They don't shave it but clip it as close as clippers can get literally in about 30 seconds. Hurts like a mo-fo. Watch Full Metal Jacket as well. Most realistic USMC movie I've seen. My first week or so I truly believed that if you screwed up enough, the DIs would kill you, dump you in the swamps and say you went UA. Be strong, don't look ahead, just get thru what your doing at the moment. SEMPER FI. Van Rafuse SGT USMC 1975-79.

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My father had served in the Navy and knew the way thigs worked so he sent me a go Army T shirt one week and then one piece of gum the next week followed by a box of cookies the next. I was a marked man from that day forward. Mail call was the 1st time in my life I really learned how to pray with all my heart. They dogged me really bad and then made me wear the Go Army Shirt at every PT so all the other DI's would fall out of their platoons to come over and take a turn dogging me. Oh I almost forget about the neat spring loaded strap he sent for my glasses. Now you know what I mean about not standing out. OH RAW!!! Keep you head low, don't volunteer, and find a friend in Communications as their gear has to be kept cool even in the field which means AC so they always have cold drinks! Hint about that 03xx no AC ever! God Bless you will never believe what you have gotten yourself into, and you will never imagine the way you will be forever changed. I'll leave it up to you to decide if that is for the better or worse. M.R.Hamilton SGT USMC 1980-86

lol, i'm trying not to concentrate on it too bad. I've got a while before I leave, going to enjoy my last months of civilian life haha.

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lol, i'm trying not to concentrate on it too bad. I've got a while before I leave, going to enjoy my last months of civilian life haha.

Enjoy it, join a CrossFit gym near you and grab an old Alice Ruck... it will make life much easier... I promise... good luck.

Celar silens mortalis
Jack of all trades.
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster.
USA Static-line Jumpmaster.

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find a friend in Communications as their gear has to be kept cool even in the field which means AC so they always have cold drinks!

Really sir, we need more ECU's for the equipment! :)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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