
Competition for newbies

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Yea bro..I would love to do that. Not just for that fact to whoop some ass in a compitition (joking) but it would be a cool way to meet and greet. I would love to travel down there. I just want to gain somethimg out of it and learn how to handle myself in boogies/compititions and not be a hazard in the air.

You can easily be in a winning team in scrambles....the fun aspect is great, but the competitive aspect generally goes right through the team. The team leaders will be keen to win and show up their contemporaries as to who is the best at coaching their less experienced team mates the best.

You will pick up lots of good stuff on a scrambles team, and its fun and a lot less stressful than normal competition can be.

And its great boost for the newbie to be in the winning team.
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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Not sure if they take sub-A-license jumpers, but you can ask.

Well... according to the letter of the book, pre-A licensed jumpers can do up to a max of a 4 way so long as there is a ratio of no more than 1 to 1 (d-lic or coach) if cleared for solo.

Yes, I know they're ALLOWED,:S I just don't know how many variables Oren wants to deal with. [:/] One year we had 22 teams. It takes a lot to sort out all those jumpers/jump numbers as close to evenly matched as possible. Add to that the work of ensuring the proper ratio for a non-licensed jumper -- like I said, he should ask Oren. I don't want to make any promises on Oren's behalf! :)
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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One year we had 22 teams. It takes a lot to sort out all those jumpers/jump numbers as close to evenly matched as possible.

I've organized a few six way scrambled speedstar competitions.

One year I had a google docs spreadsheet setup where the competitors wrote their jump numbers when registering for the competition (via a webform - easy to setup with google docs). We had two numbers per competitor - number of jumps and number of FS jumps. Then I had a formula that made a third column based on those numbers and I sorted the document based on that column. We divided the document in sixths, printed it and cut out each name and put in different pots. We should have skipped that step and used dice instead (or taken the time to make a little script that would have done the draw).

Another year we did it on paper. We just insertion sorted each entry, divided them in six piles and put each pile in its own pot. We used more paper, but it was easier since we didn't have to cut as much...

It seemed to work out quite well and was rather easy.

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there's a guy here that organises some sort of accuracy-/canopy-course around here with lots of support from different mnfgr's; it's called something like "just accurate" and consists of 5 hop n'pops with debriefing for every jumper in the group together. just like a canopy-course.

the "goal" of the comp is to land as close to the X as possible - but it's more about the course i suppose!

AWESOME prices like vouchers for rigs, x-shuts, t-shirts, shorts, you name it.

i think PD even sponsored a t-shirt for each participant.

pretty good stuff if you ask me! :)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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