
Which part of the dive do you enjoy more?

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Used to enjoy freefall much more, but these days I'm really starting to have fun with the canopy ride.

Exits are a kick in the ass too. I like to exit in a recliner position or into forward flips just for fun. Although they're not always stable, I'm learning everytime I exit, and I enjoy some of the looks and comments I get from the belly fliers!:)

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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I hated the exit during the first few dives after I had finished my AFF. For about half a dozen jumps, I went out eyes closed thinking "it's ok, you'll be in freefall in a moment". No idea why I had such a problem, but now it is one of the best moments!

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I answered "both equally", but it differs a little bit depending upon the jump. I'll always love the canopy ride for the beauty and navigational fun.

In freefly, I have the best fun after exit on the jumps where we are smooth and in each others faces. In R/W, I love being a diver at exit and having the formation below me against the Earth as I swoop toward it and slow down for the pin.

Everyone on this forum has his/her dreams, and I'm visualizing my experiences as I write this. Pure joy.:D

I couldn't resist. I edited this and attached a pic of this RW jump on approach, which has Harry Parker Jr. top center and Adrian Nicholas orbiting on the upper right. This would be a Melonhead jump.

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143


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you left one option/selection out, "exiting" is the best for me. the split second where right before you hurl yourself into clean air, the thought passes through my mind every time, is this the day? and the second best feeling, is the feeling of "no turning back" after your outside the jumpship. YEAH! :)

I agree. The "holy s*it, I'm really doing this" feeling.

The exit has always been the coolest part for me...you are leaving what oyu know and trusting your life to your skills and equipment.


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everything AFTER the point when i let go of the strut. once i realize "phuk, i cant stop it now". the freefall, still a student in 45 sec delays, is fun, but the relief as i reach for the cord, pull, and feel the snap of the 288 opening....aahhhhhhhh. then the challenge of trying to get at least 75 feet closer to the target than last time.....

hey, i was stupid before stupid was cool!

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the anticipation of the exit itself and the overwhelming feeling of release/relief as I throw myself from the plane out into the gorgeous, ever-changing ocean of air where I belong....B|... then the freefall- still cautious under canopy yet, but learning to enjoy that, too-


I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... he is giving me a reputation I do not deserve!

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I love them both. The best part of the skydive for me is the exit, but closing on a big formation is a close second. Getting there before everyone else is the grand prize.

Canopy rides are the shit as well. Landing in front of spectators especially on DEMOs are a rush.

John D-24352

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O.K. so I don,t go with the crowd on this one.Like to say both equally,but it just would,nt be true.Flying your canopy safely and accurately was a big thing when I started.Just the simple pleasure of you and your parachute working well together gave me some great thrills and memories.

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Break off, where I know that I have to turn and burn. I get a surge of adrenaline at that point knowing that I have to track hard and fast, finally getting a look at the planet as I track, knowing that I have to get that pilot chute out so I can have a good canopy at a respectable altitude.

How do ya like it Johnny?

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