
Blech, had to take a 2 month break halfway through aff

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well after takeing level 3 twice and passing i had to take a month off due to time and financial constraints.

yesterday i just remembered that my temporary USPA membership is expired and i didint sign up for a full membership while i was still jumping. so i applied for my membership but USPA says it could take up to a month to get my application processed.

i know that after 30 days you have to rejump your last class, but does that compound with time IE after 60 would i have to go back to level 2???

im not against going backwards, to me a jump is a jump (allthough a rather expensive one right now :) ) and the more i do the easier it will be for me to move forward. but i just dont want to have to start from scratch again and i dont think my DZ will let me jump without a current USPA membership.

can anyone tell me what i might be able to do to get back in the air, or am i just gonna have to sit it out until my membership card shows up?

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You don't have to wait until your membership card shows up to be able to continue with AFF. I didn't sign up for a full membership until I was almost done with AFF. I kinda forgot about it since I was so preoccupied with trying to get through AFF.:P

I think each DZ is different in what they want you to repeat. Talk to the AFF instructors at your DZ, they should be able to tell you better about it than the people on here.

Good luck. I struggled with AFF due to personal issues (body size, etc), and it took me 24 jumps just TO get off AFF.

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