
When all AAD's are banned, what will you do?

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being very new to the sport the only reason i like having an AAD is if i get K.O in freefall. if an AAD saves me for any other reason then it will mean some serious consideration and retraining before going up again. Hell even if for that reason i would do everything in my power to avoid it. can always learn more :)

That being said i would continue to jump without one should the day come, and should i be K.O w/o hope that Redline will come head down out of nowhere and pull my chute :P

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>Why should a DZO's ass be on the line?

Because if many jumpers die, he loses the revenue. If the jumper hits and kills another person, per the FAR's, it's the pilot's responsibility - and legally that includes the person who employs him and sets the operating procedures. And of course if anyone decides to sue (which they do, all too often) then it's his money that will be used to defend the suit.

>Technically, I would agree that the DZO has the "right" to operate his
>business as he sees fit. If this means manatory AAD use, fine. He's just
>eliminated a sizeable chunk of potential customers . . .

Yes. And saved a smaller chunk of his _current_ customers.

This happens all the time. At Perris no one can swoop unless they do their own pass and land by the swoop pond. That lost them a bunch of people, but they've been more than made up for by the people who are now _willing_ to jump there as a result. At other DZ's there are rules against kids, dogs, drinking during the day, drug usage etc etc. All of those things have the potential to lose (and retain) customers. It's the DZO's decision.

>Don't tell me you're only looking out for my safety (by requiring an AAD) while
>you dig a swoop pond and encourage your customers to jump tiny little mains
>that will kill them if they drop a toggle on the flare.

1) I have never heard a DZO encourage jumpers to jump tiny little mains.

2) I prefer DZ's with swoop ponds - because it puts the swoopers away from me and keeps me and my friends safer.

3) If you don't like it - leave.

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