
People who talk shit (lie) about making jumps

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Hi Dude

IMO Your confusing the women with the facts. And women know how to get even[:/]

You and her know both know she got busted. Show the poor women some kindness.;)

I've got a bad case of OLD. Whats the diff between a barbie doll and not bad looking? At the DZ if she's got boobs and can breath she's a keeper.:)

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! If she were someone else, perhaps someone I met at a bar (if I were to go to one), maybe so, but no kindness to her! She lies about everything and the only one who can't see it is the company owner, I guess he is pussy whooped! Ya think?



Great way to start the weeek off. with a LMAO.

There are many ways to get even with folks by being "kind".:ph34r:

We worked with a junk yard dog (bitch) that was trying to lose weight (slim fast for lunch). So we would lurk dounkin donutes ads for the 2/1 doz special.

The bitch couldn't resist donuts :ph34r:, 2-3 donuts and slim fast for lunch:S:ph34r:

That was to slow so we added mass qty's of M&M's. Big bags 75% off after the holidays. Had a big ass cookie jar in the form of a pig when someone would lift the lid the pig would go Oink oink.

Everyone caught on to what I was doing except for the slim fast diet bitch. I had mystery donars leaving big ass bags of Holiday M&Ms on my desk. My bottom drawer was full of that crap.B|

All day Oink Oink Oink, week after week, The slim fast liquid diet never worked for the bitch she was actually gaining weight:).

Meeting women at bars[:/] Think Tiger Woods.
IMO Your boss is definately doing her, he just doesn't know it yet he's getting screwed more ways than one.:)
Be subtle, and show no mercyB|. Pay back is a bitch:ph34r:


Yup! He is definitely getting screwed by her in ways he never thought he could. I LMAO every time he whines about money now days!

Also, I was in the grocery store one day with my kid back near the end of the beeper days, and there was a fat lady in the checkout line, buying a bunch of them slim fast drinks and eating a Milky Way, when her beeper started beeping, My kid yelled "Look out Dad! she's backing up!" ;)

And I don't go to bars. I hate drunks!

Jump Dude

There appears to be some confusion about terminology here.

In my world a pig has nothing to do with a persons size, gender or ouutside appearence. It's whats in their heart. Fat jokes are bully bs.

PO: there are some dudes that reponded to this thread that are also pigs. That my response to their inability to "connect the dots". I started the feeding routine with my own $$$ but the women was meaner than a junk yard dog. The whole office started donateing to the food bank.

If the junk yard dogs boss had done her job, and corrected the bitch then we wouldn't have had to be :ph34r:. To bad her boss was afraid of the bitch.

I guess I should have bought a new cookie jar for the junk yard dog bitch that went Bow wow .

One Jump Wonder

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I overheard someone a few years ago bullshitting about jumping. When he was asked how long after jumping from the plane do you pull you parachute out, his reply; "Depends on the air currents, sometimes you can stay up for a while."

Well, if the spot was good (and if you were a pretty good flyer) you could end up over an outdoor wind tunnel and stay up until it ran out of gas. You wouldn't even need a parachute! :)

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