
Perfectly Good Airplane Crap

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Can someone give me a great line to throw back to the Whuffos that start with the "why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" bs everytime I bring up jumping? I've heard the one about "the door was open" but are there any other great ones that I can use instead of throttling the little people that spew this junk??

Oh and I did my first solo today and it was awesome....

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I tell them it's the safest way to get a parachute ride.

Sometimes I ask if they've ever jumped. When they say "no" my eyes get big and I say "REALLY? You've never jumped? What's it like? Can you breathe", etc.

Jon S.

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I usually say something like, "Have you ever seen the marginally maintained pieces of crap that we get into to jump out of? At least I got a parachute on! The head-work isn't jumping out of the piece of shit, the head-work is having gotten into it in the first place!!"


Its not advisable to use that come-back when with-in ear shot of the airplane owner... :$

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I give seminars for pilots and mechanics and I mention that I'm a student pilot (still:S:S) and a skydiver so I have a vested interest in quality aviation components. The pilots always ask and my response is "Every pilot I've ever met is half crazy so I only trust them for half a trip". It's usually good for a laugh
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Give them this from one who was once a Private Pilot,

Unless you turned in your certificate or had it revoked, you still are a private pilot. You may not be eligible to exercise the privileges if you don't have a current medical and a recent fight review, but the certificate doesn't expire.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Give them this from one who was once a Private Pilot,

Unless you turned in your certificate or had it revoked, you still are a private pilot. You may not be eligible to exercise the privileges if you don't have a current medical and a recent fight review, but the certificate doesn't expire.

Is that like "once a priest...", but without the buggery?

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To increase my testicular mass!

Because soccer moms get wet when I tell them about how awesome I am!

Look if you were stuck on an airplane full of stinky guys you would jump to!

It's one way to get out from all of your debt!

I'm chasing flying unicorns!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I think it's best to point at the duct tape in the plane and say "This is a perfectly good airplane?!"

as long as the tape is INSIDE, it's OK.. Just look at the duct tape OUTSIDE :o
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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" Its obvious your area of expertise is not with aircraft", usually works good.
Or "You havent seen the plane up close have you"
"Did you ever think about going to a better eye doctor than Big Lots best?"
"Our good one isnt back from repairs yet ,we will just use this one instead"

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haha yeah.
Where did you come from?
"the sky"

and from there on off it's basically just "yes" to whatever they ask.

Did you jump from the mountain? Sure.
Did you jump from a plane? Why not.
Is it a parachute? Yeah kind of.

I don't get annoyed or grumpy, I just don't bother explaining. Even the mother of a small girl who went "look mom they jumped from the mountain" said "well honey, actually they ......well.....yeah"

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Im fond of "cause bowling sucks"

I'm fond of spinning that to "I tried bowling once and they suggested I take up skydiving"

Perhaps more often I tell them I wouldn't want to be on the plane when it comes back down; that didn't go over so well when it was a non-jumping observer who asked me...

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Can someone give me a great line to throw back to the Whuffos that start with the "why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane...?

"When I jump out of perfectly good buses and trains I hit the ground too fast":P
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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