
Picking a place to earn my solo license

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I am somewhat new to sky diving. I have done two tandem jumps with funskydiving in danielson, ct. I would like to progress and earn my A license but cannot decide on the danielson dropzone or the ct parachutist in Ellington, ct. Both offer the class around the same price and both are equal distances from my home. What are some other things to look for in decided which one to use?
Thank you

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Are both larger DZ's? Is one smaller than the other. Some people like the personal feel of a smaller dz while some people like the facilities that a larger dz can provide. If any of that matters to you take it into account. Good luck with your AFF!
Wait , I pull what first?

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I do not know the different between these zones?


Would you feel more comfortable jumping ( learning ) from a large plane, with a big doorway to jump from ?...( I would )....Or would you be more comfortable jumping out of a four person plane that you need to crawl out of ? Once you learn, all planes are fun, and all drop zones ( the place you jump at ) are fun.....B|


Life is short ... jump often.

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thanks for the advice everyone! One thing that I am getting mized answers on are the amount of time you have to do a recurrency jump to maintain your A license. I've been told 30, 60 and 90 days. Which is the correct answer? Also, how does that effect new england residents? I have never jumped in the colder months but I'd imagine its not fun.

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thanks for the advice everyone! One thing that I am getting mized answers on are the amount of time you have to do a recurrency jump to maintain your A license. I've been told 30, 60 and 90 days. Which is the correct answer? Also, how does that effect new england residents? I have never jumped in the colder months but I'd imagine its not fun.

You need to jump every 30 days as a student to maintain currency. Every 60 days for an A licensed skydiver. I don't mind jumping all winter (every jump is fun even when it is cold) but Virginia is not New England so I'll let somebody more local give more details about that.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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