
Where do I go?

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I made my first three aff jumps and passed to level 4 and than discoverd the dz I was at was not the best in the world. I dissagreed with their biznes ethics. Any way its been like three months since I made my last jump and the nearest dz is still closed when they open back will I have to start all over or can we pick up where I left off.

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I am now located in middle Tn but I was in Ga so you can guess which dz I'm talking about. I'm waiting for tullahoma to reopen I have 4 children and I don't want to bring them to the dz so I can't travel too far.I also would like to finish my aff with only 1 dz. I can handle waiting for the dz to open I was just curios if I will have to start from scatch. My wife is in the situation as me. I guess I'm asking will I have to spend another 1200 to get us both back to were we left off.

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If you have log books signed by your instructors you may have to repeat the last jump, but will not be required to start over. Tell the new dz why you left your old dz. They will understand!

If you paid for your whole AFF program in advance, you are out the money and will have to pay again. If you only paid for the jumps you made, no big deal here.

Blue skies,


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Show up early, be patient and humble - do not presume they will do you a favor. But let them know that you will be a regular customer. If you then impress them with your knowledge/skill, they will be more likely to give you a break - but you may still have to ask for it. Let them know you'll be a regular customer, and why you left ASC.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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