antibac 0 #1 July 29, 2011 Hey! About 5-6 weeks ago I had a pretty bad butt landing (lol, I know, don't land on your butt!) that was completely my fault. I flared too early, didn't complete the flare and had my legs up. Kinda embarassing really. Anyway, I got intense lower back pain and went to the hospital for an x-ray. Didn't show anything. The doctor mentioned that it could be a prolapse (stupid of him to mention that, I was REALLY stressed out over this until the MRI showed no prolapse). The intense pain stopped after a few minutes though, but it was still a little bit painful. Anyway, the day after I was feeling pretty okay, and drove a 5-6 hour drive home with only two short stops. When I got home my legs and lower back was soo painful, and my legs were numb. I had problems sitting for a few days. I've had this happen once more when I was at work standing up for 6 hours. Other than that it's not that bad, but I can still feel it. I get moderate pain when I stand up too long or if I walk around for example a mall for a long time. I've had an MRI, which basically showed nothing. There was a small buldging disc, but the radiologist said that it was so small it shouldn't cause any pain. It's barely visible. Went to a chiropractor, apparently (English is not my first language so I don't know how to precisely translate this) parts of my back were "locked". He cracked my back a little or whatever you call it, but my muscles are really stiff and somewhat painful. I have moderate pain in my lower back, legs and upper back (the upper back has been stiff for ages, never affected me skydiving though). Legs feel like growing pain sometimes, but this I've had before my accident, not as frequent though. Arching on the ground is not excruciatingly painful at all, but I can definitely feel it. The first chiropractor I had meant that I could go skydiving since the radiologist pointed out that the buldging disc wouldn't cause pain. I had to go to another chiropractor today for some reason, and he's going to give me some exercises, but he seemed more "negative" towards me going skydiving in a little over a week. He didn't really say anything, so I might've mistunderstood is "negativity", haha. My pain is a mix between muscle pain and pain from the spine (I guess?). I don't know. I guess it's hard for them to say a lot when they don't know a lot about skydiving. SO, what do I do? It's very typical that I get really stressed out over stuff like this. I tend to overthink, overanalyze. I really, really want to jump again, and I have to do it soon (I'm a student, and the season at the DZ is ending soon), but I'm scared I'll hurt my back more. I feel like a whimp! I read other threads on this forum with people with way worse injuries than I have that still go jumping, and they're fine with it! What worries me the most is the landing part and the deployment. The deployment really shouldn't be an issue, should it? The student canopies are huge and well packed. Remember, I'm a newbie, so correct me if I'm wrong. I think part of the reason why I'm so nervous is because it's been over a month since I jumped now. I have the classic "student who probably won't continue jumping-syndrome", and I don't want that. I want to continue jumping, it's so much fun! I just need more landing instructions, more coaching. Already talked to my coach, and he's ready to help me out. I also will never know how the skydive will feel if I don't try. It could be a bit painful, or I won't notice it. I feel like I should just try, at least one jump! So, what do you guys think? Am I just being a wuss? Let me just point out - I am a girl, I tend to overthink things Also, if you have any good back excercises to strengthen the core/back, etc. please go ahead and share! Long post, I know. Sorry Oh and P.S., I haven't used pain kilers for the pain or about 4 weeks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #2 July 29, 2011 QuoteI really, really want to jump again, and I have to do it soon Will the sky not be there anymore if you don't jump this weekend? Will you be severely bummed out if you do jump and end up making your injury worse? Can you support yourself if you do jump and cause further injury and you can't work? Having blown out two discs and had three vertebrae fused, personally I wouldn't take the risk. But that's just me. YMMV. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charlie5 0 #3 July 29, 2011 Funny you started this thread. I took yesterday and today off to jump, but am not jumping today because my back is hurting. I hurt my working out though, so it's just sore/tender back muscles, making arching painful. Doing the two jumps yesterday made it worse, so rather than risk further injuring I decided to come back home. Don't risk hurting your back, that is one part of the body not to fcuk around with. Sounds like you might be having sciatica pains, where an inflamed muscle is putting pressure on it. I had that once from working out (yeah, i really need to work on my posture when working out I know). The only thing that helped was lots of rest and ibuprofen. Stretching helps too, but take it easy so you can jump again later. you're not a wuss for playing it safe, there's enough to worry about when skydiving without having to worry about your body pains. The feather butts bounce off ya like raindrops hitting a battle-star when they come in too fast...kinda funny to watch. - airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cutaway68 4 #4 July 29, 2011 Like Skybytch said, the sky will still be there. If your jump numbers are up to date then it sounds like you wouldn't get off of student status this season any way, so if you go ahead and take the layoff it will give you more time for recovery. Only you can tell what you can or cannot do with your back the way it is. Don't Pull Low... Unless You ARE!!! The pessimist says, "It can't get any worse than this." The optimist says, "Sure, it can." Be fun, have safe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antibac 0 #5 July 29, 2011 Thanks for your replies guys! I'll give it a week or two to see if it gets better (which it has since I hurt my back). I would be able to get off student status. I could do that in a few days if the weather is okay. I could also do it at another DZ that's open all year if the weather is okay. If my back is up to it, I can have my A-certificate by the end of August. The problem is that I need to do rejump AFF level 7 since it's been over a month. I have to go to another DZ to do this, and they close in the end of August. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #6 July 29, 2011 Wait. Wait until next season if you have to. Back injuries are nothing to play around with. What happens if you aggravate it next jump and do enough damage that you can't jump again ever? Personally, I'd wait until you can arch on the ground without discomfort. Don't be so quick to assume that student canopies can't open hard because they are "huge and well packed". They can still open fast enough to hurt on occasion. And you still have to land the thing. Other people may or may not jump with worse injuries, but most of them have the skill and experience to properly assess the situation and be reasonably certain they can work around the limitations of the injury. Either that or they are stupid. If you want it bad enough, it will still be there when you are healed."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antibac 0 #7 July 30, 2011 Thanks! I am taking your words to heart, I really am. I have decided to hear what my chiropractor has to say about it on Tuesday. If he feels it's okay, and my back is feeling okay by the time I'm thinking of jumping, I'm doing it. If not, I'll wait. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites