
1st Jump, Minor Malfunction

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Yes, Muffie...agreed on all points!
Just to be clear, I wasn't arguing with your point or saying you were wrong in any way (re: checklist item). I just wanted to highlight the importance of EPs and express my discontent with lack of importance put on it during student training jumps.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Define 'majority', Olmed.

Take your pick.



1 obsolete : the quality or state of being greater

2 a : the age at which full civil rights are accorded
b : the status of one who has attained this age

3 a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total
b : the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total : MARGIN
c : the greater quantity or share

4 : the group or political party having the greater number of votes (as in a legislature)

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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First of all, I'm glad things turned out as well as they did, it could have been so much worse.

Secondly, my apologies for too many people in this forum who are so eager to tear you a new a-hole for being man enough to bare your soul and share the problem you had on your first jump.

As you discovered, holding a toggle way down is hard work that can reduce a strong arm to jelly in just a minute of two. By the time the ground comes up, you have no strength left for a flare, aside from being likely to stall the canopy.

"Low speed" malfunctions are seductively dangerous. If you experienced a wild piece of shit, you'd have gone into overdrive to pull your handles, believe me. But a canopy that's almost open and almost controllable triggers what I call the "Titanic" response - fear of leaving the big "safe" ocean liner for a tiny little lifeboat in the middle of the night. You actually have too much time to think about it and it gives you more time to be scared and more time to want to trust a less than acceptable canopy. Then before you know it, you're too low to safely cutaway and have no choice but to stick with what you've got.

Finally, as John Mitchell said, THANKS for not cutting away too low. We had a recent fatality at our dropzone with a woman who had 2200 jumps who dicked around with a spinning canopy all the way down to about 250 ft. - then chopped it. She went in groping for her reserve handle.

So - no flame, glad you're okay, I'm sure you learned a lot from this (including what a hostile place dropzone.com has degenerated into) and I encourage you to get back in the saddle ASAP.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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do you really think that if he hadn't come on here (to make his first post, after his first jump) with such a pompous attitude, and not only criticizing but placing the blame for his situation on his instructors (and riggers), that he would have been met with the same reaction?

only after he realized that that attitude and disposition was not going to fly with (most of) the up-jumpers on here did he admit fault and take responsibility for his own jump. but not once have I seen him address (or better yet, apologize for) ripping his instructors.

perhaps I'm a bit sensitive because I know said instructors, and am beyond confident in their abilities and expertise. the student's attitude/post was in poor taste in general, and on a personal note quite offensive and off-putting.

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Define 'majority', Olmed.

Majority is:
- Skydiving: Something I hope describes the number of pulls ending with a good flying main canopy.
- AFF course: number of days with clear blue skies.

Otherwise, check out the excellent info above, thanks Sparky.

Blue skies to you too!

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