
Low-timer&Out of Curriency...What to Jump?

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Last year finished training and got my A. Only JUST ENOUGH jumps to get my licence, tho.
Due to lots of extenuating circumstances, I have not been able to keep current.
Last year, I began to down-size to about 210.

Now that it IS looking like I'll be able to start jumping again, BUT Now that I am NOT current, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Go back to what I was jumping on student status, or go back to 210?

Or what?

Is there a standard safety proceedure for jumpers like me?

Thanx - LuLu.

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Now that I am NOT current, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Go back to what I was jumping on student status, or go back to 210?

You haven't mentioned your weight.

For some lighter people, a 210 is perfectly big enough for a recurrency jump.

For a heavier person, I would recomend a bigger canopy.

As some guidance, I did jumps with two different jumpers last weekend.

For a woman that who weighed somewhere around 120 I had her rent a 170.
For her man who weighed somewhere around 170, I had him rent a 220. I'm fortunate in that my DZ stocks a wide array of different sized canopies and conatiners.


Is there a standard safety proceedure for jumpers like me?

Yup. When you get to the DZ they'll assign either a USPA Coach or AFF Instructor to work with you. They will help ensure that you jump appropriate gear. Depending on what the DZ has available, they may ask you to jump student gear instead of your own. It will probably be bigger than what you ended the season with.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Thanx Andy.

I'm thinking I'd like to jump a 210 that the dz MIGHT still have(?) that I have tried before.

I'll be sure to ask an experienced jumper friend to jump with me this next jump if a coach is not available.

Is 190 from a 210 to big of a downsizing move for someone like me? Or would it be better to jump the 210 for a considerable while before trying out a 190? or are there sizes inbetween that I should move thru FIRST?


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USPA recomends you do a "currency" dive with an instructor after a long layoff. Following those recomendations is smart since you've been out of the sport for so long and have so few jumps.

Exactly what that currency dive ends up being varies widely between DZ's and instructors. It will probably involve going over your emergency procedures, practice pulls, and reviewing your canopy flight plan.

See section 5.2 of the SIM - http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2005SIM/section5.htm#52.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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