
Finding a DZ for my daughter

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I did a search on the forums and the last post on the subject was from 07 so I hope I haven't missed anything more recent.

She is a thrill seeking 15 year old and I'd love to give her a jump for her 16th birthday... We live in FL and the closest I can find that would allow her is in TN. Does anyone know of any place closer?

Thank you in advance!!!


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A DZ that will allow a 15 year old will be very hard to find. The equipment manufacturers insist on 18 as the minimum age for liability reasons, but several DZs will allow 16 year olds to go with parental consent.
While I have nothing against a 15 year old jumping, I think that a DZ that will be that far outside normal prudence indicates a very close inspection.
Find a United States Parachute Association affiliated DZ that will allow 16 year olds and take her there for her next birthday. You should jump as well. It will be a together thing you both will never forget.;)

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Hi Shannon,

If you haven't already checked, have a look in the Dropzone Database here, in the Florida area. Most of the DZs seem to have websites listed with FAQs for age/weight requirements. That would probably be your best bet.

I don't believe there are any DZs in FL that offer tandems to anyone under 18 though. Sorry!
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Hi Shannon,

If you haven't already checked, have a look in the Dropzone Database here, in the Florida area. Most of the DZs seem to have websites listed with FAQs for age/weight requirements. That would probably be your best bet.

I don't believe there are any DZs in FL that offer tandems to anyone under 18 though. Sorry!

I believe all tandems now need to be over 18 in the USA to comply with the USPA.http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=4058693;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

However Static Line and AFF are probably treated differently at some dz's.

As a parent, I would suggest not giving a skydive as a 16th birthday present. If she is really keen to jump, then give some tunnel time instead. It will build her freefall skills in preparation for actual jumping.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Contact Mike Mullins at West Tennessee Skydiving. 16 shouldnt be an issue there with parental consent, and they have excellent USPA rated instructors and are very safety conscious - plus their Super King Air is the fastest jump ship in the country :)

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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A DZ that will allow a 15 year old will be very hard to find.
I think that a DZ that will be that far outside normal prudence indicates a very close inspection.

Not that this will really help, but dropzones in Germany are generally "far outside normal prudence". In fact, most DZ here allow 12-year-olds to do tandem jumps (with parental [mum AND dad] consent). We usually tell parents to wait until 14* when they should be grown-up enough to not run into barotraumas. *(typical age for religious and non-religious initiation rites/ceremonies and thus, occasion for tandem jump gifts)

German Parachute Association recommends jumps form 10+ on [Link in German], many dropzones use German tandem gear. The situation might be a little different on dropzones with Sigmas only, however :P
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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You are probably not going to find a DZ that will let a 16 year old jump either AFF, SL, or Tandem in FL.

You can call and ask them, but my quick check of a few DZ's all said 18 on their websites.

The tunnel suggestion is not bad, or maybe an hour of flight instruction in an airplane.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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