
Burning a canopy....

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Hi......Anyone out there ever set a canopy on fire in flight? I know it's been done, I've seen vids of it. I'm looking for anyone's input who has done it, or filmed it, etc.....

Lighters do a pretty good job.:P

I do recall someone shooting a roman candle at their open canopy to catch it on fire... not sure if I want a big ball of melting nylon above me.:|
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Hi......Anyone out there ever set a canopy on fire in flight? I know it's been done, I've seen vids of it.

Well, then, there you go.


I'm looking for anyone's input who has done it, or filmed it, etc.....

Well... ya know that video you saw? The guy under the canopy has done it. The guy who filmed it, filmed it.

If I'm missing something, pls advise.

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Hi......Anyone out there ever set a canopy on fire in flight? I know it's been done, I've seen vids of it. I'm looking for anyone's input who has done it, or filmed it, etc.....

If 'burning a canopy' looks or smells anything like the process of 'burning a mule', I'll take a pass on the video.

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I watched a video of Troy talking about how they did it, canopy was soaked in gas. They were shitting balls on the ride to altitude with a gas soaked canopy sitting in a bucket on the ride to altitude next to them. Was ignited with a flare gun.

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They basically did a direct bag exit out of an Otter with a canopy coming out of a 5 gallon bucket that full of fuel. If I remember right they had sewn cotton baffles into the canopy to soak up the fuel since the nylon was not enough. They basically lit it on fire with a flare gun as soon as he was open under canopy.
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I remember that video to. I wonder if they just assumed it would be burnt out by the time it gets to the ground or if any precaution was taken to avoid a flaming ball of nylon falling where it may?

Or if it was done in the desert, its probably a good bet it wouldn't land on anything flammable...

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I think the guy used a flare gun. If you do it, don't use an RSL.........:S

Well, I wouldn't think that slack lines with no canopy, would have enough pull to get the pin out.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Re: gasoline & baffles

Ah, so there was a trick to it.

I don't recall the trick being talked about at the time.
(Or am I wrong?)

The videos in effect created an erroneous impression of the flammability of nylon.

Deceptive bastards. But scientific standards don't hold up in entertainment tv...

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there is a longer version of this video where they show the exit of the jumper and a guy at the door of th plane holding the diesel filled canopy bucket for deployment . my gues iis this video was made fpr some extreme show in the 90's that was probably more detailed than what exists on YouTube today.

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Or if it was done in the desert, its probably a good bet it wouldn't land on anything flammable...


Yes, that gag where Troy set his canopy on fire was done out over the desert at Cal City... a few remaining bits of flaming nylon, if there were any left by the time it reached the ground could have been the least of your worries... as many an odd thing... besides skydivers... got chucked out of the Otter there over the years... :ph34r:


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