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shah269 0
Remember smile you are doing what others only dream of are too affraid to try.
So......just close your eyes, relax and push with the arms and bring your knees in.
Once you do it just works.
The problem is doing just instructor had a good laugh when I did three instead of one.
But yeah, relax! It's all good.
No borken bones no cut aways...just relax ok!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
JohnMitchell 16
Now, once again, it looks like they're letting you progress, in that you're going on to level 7 only with a backloop thrown in. That's a good deal for you, IMO.
Communications issues? Sure, life is full of them. I try to "read" each student and encourage them, but other instructors maybe not so much. Dissatisfaction with a few of my early instructors was the reason I got into the game myself. You seem pretty smart. The next time you get a poor evaluation from any instructor, make them do their job of explaining where you did poorly and coaching you to do better the next time.
Zlew 0
On an unrelated note- I had a jump this weekend that had backloops as part of the dive (one point was a backloop!) It was so much fun! I haven't done backloops in years.... had a blast!
backloop jumps starts at about 2:30 *edit
AndreLB3 0
If you try it and only do 3/4 of a flip, flail around, but arch and get stable right after, the instructor won't really care that you didn't do a full flip.
All i do is throw my chin back hard and tuck my legs at the same time, the flip will just happen by itself. then just arch!
Again, dont worry about pulling a perfect flip, just make sure that whatever happens when you try (something will happen) that you arch and get stable afterwards.
Divalent 131
FWIW, when my instructor was telling me about how to do the back flip, another instructor popped his head up and said his technique was way better (in a friendly way, no issues of instructor clashing): extend arms straight out above your head (parallel to each other), bring your knees up in front of you as you simultaneously swing your arms down to your legs (as if you were about to lower them onto the shoulders of someone facing you, with palms down, kind of pressing against the wind). Quoting from my log book: "perfect back flip followed by instant stability". (My first solo I did 3 more; they are fun to do.) But just cause it worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you, so if you think this way might work, run it by your instructor.
(I'll just skip right over the parts of my log book that refer to my landings (among other sections): it's sufficient to note that I perfected the butt slide in AFF )
BTW, level 6 was also the jump for me where I had no discernable exit fear. Like you, I think its the combination of confidence in my ability to get stable regardless of what is happening at the moment coupled with confidence that I could remain altitude aware and deploy my own main. [I liked all my instructors, but I was happy to get to the point where I didn't *have* to jump with them.]
JohnMitchell 16
Yep, that's the right way to do it. What was the other guy teaching?Quoteanother instructor popped his head up and said his technique was way better (in a friendly way, no issues of instructor clashing): extend arms straight out above your head (parallel to each other), bring your knees up in front of you as you simultaneously swing your arms down to your legs
I had a blast on that one but then came in and mucked up my landing. Next time...
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