
advice for relaxing in free fall

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Go to an internet forum and ask a bunch of strangers what to do about a highly subjective and situational condition that's best fixed with the help of your instructors at the DZ or even within yourself.

You're not a damn in the river....you're a tree in the wind. Make eye contact with your instructors and choose to breathe and relax. And when you practice, visualize yourself as relaxed and in control - DON'T think about NOT relaxing. Don't think about pink elephants.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hi. For me(also a type A personality) the whole learning to arch on the floor in ground school thing really caused me problems. When you're on the ground, you really have to arch your entire back and shoulders to attempt to simulate what will happen in the air. When I began to jump, I was still trying to arch my entire back and shoulders. I could feel myself gritting my teeth trying to fight through and "will" myself to learn this new skill (not going to work). The key for me was learning to arch my lower back only, leaving my shoulders, arms and upper back loose and relaxed. For a type A personality, the other key is to let go, and learn to go with the flow. For me, learning to get stable in free fall has taught me lessons about life I've struggled with for years. You'll eventually have that "aha" moment where it will all "click" for you. Just have fun with it and fly safe.

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There's some great advice here. I doubt if I can add much. It's common to spin one way or the other when you are first learning. Possibly one arm or leg is out too far. Perhaps one shoulder is lower than the other, etc.

I'd say practice being semetrical on a bed or something soft. Maybe learn to bring one hand in slightly to correct the spin. I've never had trouble spinning, but I've seen a ton of people who have.

I had some trouble potato chipping for a short time. The problem was that I wasn't relaxing.

You'll learn to relax over time. Enjoy every second of the jump and feel the air. Sometimes it takes time to learn all that.

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Hey, I understand exactly how you feel. I've been doing AFF for about 2 months now (although I had to take one month off due to a sprain). I have major issues relaxing and am tense when I jump. I am "intense" when it comes to this sport and wanting to succeed and finish AFF.

I agree with the others, once you can relax, it will help you with your dive. I find that with the jumps I am relaxed in, I tend to do better and enjoy the jump vs. those that I am tense in.

Smiling does help a lot with dispelling the anxiety and intensity that is within you.

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Also an AFF student here. I got some tunnel time in before I started and haven't had a problem in freefall yet. Just up to doing turns now, but 8 minutes of tunnel time has made the freefall portion smooth sailing so far (don't ask about the landing part though).

If you can get to a tunnel, do it - a few minutes of practicing descent rate changes and turns and you'll be good to go.

Disclaimer: most of my advice is based on a statistical confidence bound of 50% calculated from completely anecdotal or fictitious information. Use with discretion.

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I'm in the beginning stages of my AFF progression. Last weekend I failed a level because I started spinning in free fall--wasn't relaxed. .

I spun like a top on my 3rd jump. Instructors suggested I hit the tunnel. It worked like a charm. I felt way more relaxed and nailed the next 7 jumps.

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You guys on this board are terrrific. Will continue to seek advice and support!

Tony the Tiger couldn't have said it better. ;)

And the girls on the forums aren't bad, either...
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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