
Knocked out during skydive, what do you do?

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You are knocked out and a AAD cuts your reserve closing loop for you and you land in a pit of man eating alligators and you are not wearing gator repellant. What do you do?

I'd love to hear it. :)

Duh. First you say, "you're alright girl, you're alright." Then you climb on ones back and run across them like an Aussie sheep dog to the shore.
Really dude that should have been obvious.

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I was thinking of a video where Scott Bland was hammered by another wingsuit flyer. He did nothing wrong, and in my opininon could not have prevented it, but nonetheless was hit so hard that he could easily have become incapacitated.
Had he become knocked out, his options would have been 2: AAD save or die.
But what do I know?

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You are knocked out and a AAD cuts your reserve closing loop for you and you land in a pit of man eating alligators and you are not wearing gator repellant. What do you do?

I'd love to hear it. :)

Duh. First you say, "you're alright girl, you're alright." Then you climb on ones back and run across them like an Aussie sheep dog to the shore.
Really dude that should have been obvious.

I didn't offer the option of a sheep dog saving you, but thanks for thinking of it.
But what do I know?

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99.9% of people getting knocked out could have been avoided by better choices on the ground.


If there is a jump that you don't feel comfortable going on without an AAD - don't do it with one. Simple as that. Your subconscious is telling you that there's something wrong here..

This is EXACTLY the answer he was trying to ignore and prompted his 'question'.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yes, your answer is a good one for preventing getting knocked out itn the first place, unfortunately, that is not the question I asked.
You DID get knocked out, despice your best efforets to avoid it. Now what?
That is the question.
But what do I know?

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[reply? (and by the way... Just HOW DO you expect that scenario would manifest itself???../reply]
A good question, and I will answer it.
Somebody hits you in freefall. You can't see them, because they come from your blind side. You are doing everythihng right and some Idiot smacks you silly.
Thinik it can't happen to you?
I think it can, especially when you are jumping with a lot of other people. They will not mean to crash into you, but they do it anyway. Maybe they got into someone else's burble, or just screwed up. In any case they crash into you, and you never saw it coming. Maybe you can ve sure that this will never happebn to you, but I don't think so.
But what do I know?

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PS: please excuse my sloppy typing. My screen is for shit.

You wanted options? Ok.

Option 1:
Sell your AAD (and perhaps your rig) and buy a new monitor.

Option 2:
Spend less time jumping and more time starting inane threads.

Either way, you'll be safer.
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never said it couldn't happen to me.. or to anyone... cause it HAS happened to me...lots of times... ( getting hit and hit hard )..

being the Base on an RW dive simply means that you're the TARGET!!!..[:/]:S>:(

being a cameraman, also can put you in harms way...IF you're not heads Up and if the "late divers" are not heads up..

But I AM, heads up and the late divers that i skydive with , also ARE...:| I don't get into THEIR traffic lanes, and they don't get into mine...

so i guess it could come down to simply "being tough" and being ABLE to take a hit.....
me??... i'm pretty solid and have taken a few shots... luckily none of which Knocked me OUT!!... my motivation to stay conscious. ???
So that after landing i could "share a debrief" with the offender..:oB|;)
There is NO excuse for creaming into ANYBODY, either during RW Or Freeflying...
If one happens to be quite delicate,,,ANd one jumps with others who tend to "crash into others".. either take up a different sport, or find different "jumping buddies"...right??/:)
A 3914
D 12122

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PS: please excuse my sloppy typing. My screen is for shit.

You wanted options? Ok.

Option 1:
Sell your AAD (and perhaps your rig) and buy a new monitor.

You are absolutely right. I type and can't see what I've written. Reciepe for disaster, yes.
So I will go away. Maybe what I've said is useless, and if so, I'm sorry.
But what do I know?

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Don't get knocked out.

Good answer, but can you guarantee that you can prevent it?

If you are looking for guarantees you're in the wrong goddamn sport.
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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Don't get knocked out.

Good answer, but can you guarantee that you can prevent it?

If you are looking for guarantees you're in the wrong goddamn sport.

So sorry you missed the point of this thread
adios again
But what do I know?

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I jump with an AAD (Vigil 2) in my own gear. A couple of years ago I was out in South Africa and made a jump on borrowed gear without an AAD. I was jumping from a Cessna (first time) and was climbing out with my back to the prop. I wasn't expecting the prop blast to be quite so strong and fell forward towards the door. I caught myself with my right hand (left was outside) but could easily have cracked my head on the door and been knocked out.

I thought hard about jumping without an AAD, on gear I've never jumped, at a DZ I'd never jumped, flying a canopy I'd never flown. I decided that I was willing to accept the risk and deal. Almost falling out of the plane (yeah, that's the idea but you kinda want some control right?) really struck me as getting as close as I want to be to being unconscious in freefall. I can't control it but I can do my best to avoid situations where I'm put in higher levels of risk.

I would do the jump again btw, my decision wasn't changed by the incident. Had a good jump and landed exactly where I wanted to right in front of the hangar. I even got a cool stamp in my log book. ;)

To answer your question (which I think is a little silly to be honest) if you're randomly knocked unconscious on a jump without an AAD, you die. If you live you're lucky. All skydives are the same, the AAD changes the equation a little but it doesn't change the fundamental nature of skydiving which is that you can die on any jump even if you do everything right.

I just work at doing as much as I can right and try to avoid situations that present an increased risk that hold no reward.

edit: yes I was wearing a helmet but would have hit my face or forehead on the door.

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Just how many threads are you going to put this question into and how many answers will satisfy your need?

The only answer is:
Nothing...until you wake up...IF you do...unless you have super-powers then all options are available!

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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Knocked out during skydive, what do you do?

What a useless discussion. Is the sole purpose to divert attention from our real problems?

It might have been more interesting if we had a problem with people getting knocked out right and left.

But we do not.

It has happened from time to time, and there's no argument that an AAD might help.

But if you look at why AADs are firing, it isn't that people are getting knocked out.

It is because people fail to perform the basic functions required to survive a skydive.

Harping on the "I could get knocked out" possibility is just diverting attention from the real problem.

Because the vast majority of the people being saved are not knocked out.

They are awake and simply failing to do what needs to be done.

We had a "good year" back in 2009 when the fatalities were lower than usual, and all sorts of people were patting themselves on the back saying what a good job we must be doing at training etc etc.

But if you added to the actual fatality number the number of AAD saves where the jumper was able, but simply failed to take care of himself, what would the fatality number look like then? Because that number would give us a far better idea of how well we are really doing,

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What a stupid f n question. There are no gaurantes in life.

Death and Taxes.


The key points to remember here are as follows:

1. Avoid skydives where you think this is likely. That's step one, no matter how you cut this issue, if you're looking at the plan (or have forgone one all together) and thinking to yourself "this is insane" or "these people don't have the skills to do this" then accept one of the following:

A) This isn't a skydive I want to be on. - and then don't go or change the plan.
B) That this skydive might be the one that kills me.
C) That the only reason I'm willing to go on this skydive is that I have placed a false sense of security in my AAD.

2. Incapacitation is possible. I have had my bumps and bruises in this sport. I broke my neck, in freefall, deployed and landed my velocity (wasn't incapacitated thank god, cause the break would have both made me a quadriplegic and stopped my ability to breath, so i was told.) I have also been pushed into a low wing on a head down exit, on a jump where everyone had a 1000+ jumps and I regard them all as qualified freeflyers. That skydive ended pretty much before it began, I was seeing plenty of stars and a few more prolly would have knocked me out. I was lucky enough that one of the jumpers docked on my was also an AFFI, rolled me over and kept me stable till I collected my thoughts. Even after the canopy opened up, I was pretty fuckin foggy. AAD could have saved me on that jump, but I would have gone on it w/o one.

3. AADs should mitigate risk, that's what they are designed for. If it doesn't, don't use it. If you do use one, you need to ignore the fact that you have one when deciding to go on a jump. I don't like doing AFF w/o an AAD. I'll do it, but I don't like to. Mostly because I don't want to hesitate if I have to catch a spinning student, I want to offer them the best chance at survival that I can, does that make me a horrible bad person because I'm more willing to accept that risk with an AAD? No, but only cause I would still do it w/o one, I just don't like to.

There are plenty of jumps that I have been asked to go on, decided the participants were nuts and either backed out cause they were unwilling to change their plan, or the more likely outcome is that I have helped them change their dive to something that was quite a bit more likely to not injure people.

Getting around to the original question, if you're unconscious in freefall and don't have an AAD or someone to pull for you (please dear god, pull my reserve if this happens to me in specific, fuck landing a velocity unconscious) then you're going to go in. That's going to kill you pretty much in 99.999% of cases. I don't even know why you would ask a question like that, it's pretty cut and dry.

my $0.02
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