
Skydiving tattoo ideas?

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Personal Experience:

No shit, there I was...posting away on dropzone.com about what I should get as a skydiving tattoo. After I got some posts, I decided that when I knew what I wanted and the time was right, it would come to me. You shouldn't ask for ideas from anyone else, it's your body. Some of the posts basically said you should earn a tattoo for whatever you choose, but I only half agree with that. Keep it on your mind, don't rush into it and one day you'll say "That's what I want!"


I got mine this January, some 350 jumps later and a whole 2 years after I posted on dz.com. I'm glad I waited, and I'm really happy with the tattoo. I want another, but until I figure it out...the canvas stays empty.

Take a look at the thread, read what some people said about rushing, earning...etc...

I've also attached a picture of what I ended up doing. I think it turned out nice.
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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So i have been wanting to get a new tattoo, and i figure, what better to get than something to do with my new favorite hobby? Ive done a few google searches but havent really seen anything that grabs me. Anybody got any ideas?

See what you think of these B|
99% of the people on this earth are sheep ... dare to be different

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A wise old woodshop teacher was asked about the tattoo on his arm... (USS Iowa with ancors) he had since WW2. I will never forget what he said to the middle school student who exclaimed that he wanted to get several tattoos...

"Son, it's one thing to be stupid, and another thing to advertise it!"
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Excellent forum topic Richard. For years I thought about getting a Tiger suspended under an open (Ram AIR parachute) tat. Never got around to it. Someone told me that this image was on the triple nickel Airborne unit. I couldn't get the tat since I wasn't in that unit. That's how I felt about it. Anywhoo, I saw a tat of a Ram parachute on a guy's upper arm at a Mullin's Boogie. Now that one was alright but it looked like the colors would fade out eventually.

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My "idea" was a round around my ankle / calf with linked "jumpers." The only thing is the fact that they are NAKED. No rigs or jumpsuits. Rigs and jumpsuits will become dated after time. It's just the concept of the formation and fun with gravity. Still might do it some day, but I need the ART!!

Anyone want a canvas on me?? Send it!!
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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My "idea" was a round around my ankle / calf with linked "jumpers." The only thing is the fact that they are NAKED. No rigs or jumpsuits. Rigs and jumpsuits will become dated after time. It's just the concept of the formation and fun with gravity. Still might do it some day, but I need the ART!!

Anyone want a canvas on me?? Send it!!

Boy Girl etc.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I decided to hold off on the tattoo for now. I had decided I wanted an ambigram that said freefall on the inside of my wrist but the artist told me that the word was too big, and it would all bleed together in a couple of years. I took it as a sign, because, like some of you said, how do I know that in 2 years im not going to wanna get FREEFLY, or something different.
I still want a tattoo but didnt feel great about the guy i was recommended to. I wanted to get some more stuff done on my back, to connect the two that i have on each shoulder. I thought i'd go and tell him what i was thinking about and he'd use his 10 years of experience to collaborate and inspire me. Tell me what he thought would work well, etc... Instead he offered to cover my existing tattoos and didnt inspire me at all.
Any tattoo artists in the palm beach area that want to help me do something unique? let me know!

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In Boca Raton there is a place called Big Kahuna tattoo. I think it's somewhere near Mizner Park. While I haven't had a tattoo done yet, I know from reviews that the artists there have won numerous awards and are perfect if you want an original image on your skin. My sister got a few tattoos from them and, as simple as they are, they look amazing.

Their Website: http://bktattoo.com/
Dropzones are terrible places for inspiration. What does one think when one looks up for a sign only to see a bunch of people falling?

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thats almost like the one i want to get, but as i cant draw very good, and havent been able to get someone to draw one that looks the way i want it to, so far, I'm still waiting to get mine. nice one though looks good
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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I recommend you wait a couple hundred jumps before you permanently emblazon your love for skydiving on to your body. By then you should know if it's really true love or just an infatuation.

This is very true! I have been working as a tattoo artist for 4 years now and have told customers things just like this. Don't do impulse, wait awhile(I have waited a year on a couple that I have!) and if you still feel it then get it.
Stop looking at me

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I think tattoos need to symbolize something significant in your life. If you never make another jump again, hasn't your life still changed because of skydiving? Mine has.

3 rings -
-post modern angel wings, they let you do what man was never meant to do.
-They save your life and let you do it all over again.
-the trinity in christianity, if this sport hasn't made you talk to God...
She did not know that she could not fly so she did.

Spread your arms and hold your breath and always trust your cape

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