
New SIM revision

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I think it would have worked better if these 1.0/1.2/1.4 suggestions were recommended wing loadings, not recommended max's.

You're suggesting that the USPA should officially recommend downsizing with each license? Why would that be better? I'm about to get my D license and load my canopy far under the recommended max. Why would USPA want me to downsize??


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Kelp, you are right. I just feel that my reserve loaded at 1.1 is not terribly out of line. I agree that I am out of the "limits" of the recommendations. I just thought that after many discussions with my instructors that it was safe.

A second factor that came into consideration was the fact that reserves tend to be conservative canopies. So a reserve loaded at 1.1 is far different than a katana loaded at 1.1. It is not perfect; but, it is the best system I could build within my limitations.

I agree that I do not have a perfect set up. I would prefer to have a reserve loaded at 1.0 or less. Like I said, buying used and having a budget put constraints on building my rig. As it is, I am comfortable with a main loaded at .95 and my reserve loaded at 1.1. I think they are reasonable numbers for a 55 jump person.

Also since they are recommendations, they are there for guidance. I am not be interested in jumping a canopy loaded at 1.2 or above right now and DEFINITELY would not want to load my reserve any higher than it is right now. I think that my reserve is at the limit of good judgement.

Kelp, you are 100% right. I am not following the recommendations to the letter. I did do my best to make intelligent decisions in building the rig. It is not perfect; but, I feel confident with it.

Another item that adds to my comfort level is the fact the my DZ does make an effort to guide students to canopy control classes. When Scott Miller came to do his classes, there were a few slots held for students and new A license holders. I took his class at 27 jumps and hope to get in it again next spring when he is back. There are many opportunities for low jump number people at my DZ. You just need to listen to the experienced people. We have many qualified people who can assist us newbies with all aspects of skydiving.

They key is getting newbies to get appropriate gear and then explain to them that the A license is similar to heading off to college. You can screw around and have fun or you can get to studying. Your A is just an extension of student status. Unfortunately some people are not interested in self-study. My goal is to be a safe skydiver. I'm not perfect; but, I'm working on it.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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>One that is wholly ignored doesn't do the job.

It is your decision as to whether to ignore it or not. People may not heed them if they don't like them; they will _certainly_ not heed them if they are not there. And if only 25% of the people heed them, and we turn some broken backs into sprained ankles - that's progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

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NOTHING is mandatory but FAR part 105.

People keep forgetting that USPA is a MEMBERSHIP organization, i.e. their regulations cannot be enforced unless one day the government decides to separate the FAA from skydiving and give USPA federal control and some tax money.
Memento Audere Semper


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NOTHING is mandatory but FAR part 105.

People keep forgetting that USPA is a MEMBERSHIP organization, i.e. their regulations cannot be enforced unless one day the government decides to separate the FAA from skydiving and give USPA federal control and some tax money.

Unless you're jumping in Nevada.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Section 5-3 will include the following wing-loading recommendations as a maximum:

>>Will the people that really need to read this section even look at the new SIM?

Those who want to absorb as much info as possible will.

>>Maybe the USPA should require that all AFF students purchase a copy of the SIM. Dropzones could include the price of it in the first jump. It's only $25.

>>I know the SIM can be downloaded, but having a book in your hand is very different than being able to find the information online.

People may see it laying around the house and think about the fun they had. I'd prefer the option to download and print it out. My instructors at Crosskeys told me I could pick one up at the shop or DL it. I liked having that option w/o having to spend the extra cash.

Mike Coles

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I'd prefer the option to download and print it out. My instructors at Crosskeys told me I could pick one up at the shop or DL it. I liked having that option w/o having to spend the extra cash.

Did you DL it and print it out?

Why are people reluctant to spend $25 on a book that has so much valuable information?

Skydiving is an expensive sport and in the grand scheme of things $25 is a drop in the bucket.
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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