
What is the highest you would pay.....?

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Totally agree with you with one exception.
I think Crosskeys lowered their prices back by $.50 after oil went back down but that's about it.
I won't be consistently spending more than $30 per jump. Will start other things, like hang or para gliding and increase BASE

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Listen please don't give dzo"s any ideas.

How about giving our "leadership" an idea -- you know, like ending the gulf drilling moratorium and drilling elsewhere domestically instead of leaving ourselves more at the mercy of oil supplies controlled by despots in the world's most unstable area.

Oh wait... never mind.

SCR-6933 / SCS-3463 / D-5533 / BASE 44 / CCS-37 / 82d Airborne (Ret.)

"The beginning of wisdom is to first call things by their right names."

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You and I both know that our leaders don't want that too happen. Too many oil men have their hands in our leaders pockets. Along with the bankers and such. We need to be doing what other countries are starting to do and take our countries back from Corp america. Like I said before that's another forum :).
Never give the gates up and always trust your rears!

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Listen please don't give dzo"s any ideas. The last time gas went up most dz"s in the north east raised their prices. The part that pissed me of is they all said it was because of gas prices. Well when the gas prices went down not one lowered the prices.


Law of supply and demand. They got it you want it you pay.


If jump tickets go up I will just do work jumps.

On another note. When was the last time dz"s increase their instructors pay. 20-30 years ago? With the rising cost of gear ect.

See above about the law of supply of demand. If there was a shortage of instuctors than the DZO's would have to raise instructors pay.

What incentive doess the DZO have to raise the instructors pay? As long as there's a surplus of instructors than the pay isn't going to change. I hear the instuctors bitching but there's still a excess of supply

Nothing personnel its basic business. IMO the only experienced jumpers the DZ needs are the working bee's.

Tamdems tamdems tamdems. Tunnel tunnel tunnel
One Jump Wonder

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