
Dialysis & skydiving

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A few thoughts:

An AV fistula in the ARM would prbably not be a problem for a tandem. An AV fistula in the LEG might well be a problem due to the potential alteration of blood flow in the leg due to the leg straps. The problem is that alteration in flow can lead to clotting within the fistula... which is why measuring BP with a cuff on an extremity with a working AV fistula is forbidden.

The tandem passenger nausea problem that has been attributed to passenger harness/leg strap design would be an example of the sort of alteration in blood flow in the legs that I am referring to.

Beyond that, I would want the nephrologist to approve due to the other issues that renal failure patients commonly have such as:

Anemia... this is relevant due to going to altitude and the risk of hypoxia.

Hypertension/anti-hypertensive drugs... might increase the risk of poor response to hanging in the harness for a while.

Altered Calcium metabolisim... which can lead to weak bones.

Patients who are undergoing dialysis can be VERY medically complex. Involving the nephrologist in this discussion is VERY PRUDENT.

The guidance for physicians on the back of these two British Parachute Assoc forms might help your nephew's nephrologist make an informed judgement.



I hope that your nephew can work this out and jump ... safely!
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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