
Don't know much about Pot

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huh and I could have sworn it was pussy. Nearly every man born is addicted to it. "Spend 9 months trying to get out and the rest of your life trying to get back in."

I see your point, but I have yet to see someone die from pussy withdraw... I know a few who suffer terribly and wish they were dead...
on a different take I know a few women who are upset by withdraw ... but that is a whole other thread

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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They will Kill for it though! You also have to ask, what constitutes addictive. I remember people saying that coke was not addictive because it's a phychological addiction (these people were doing lots of coke). While meth is bad it's also obvious that there's a big problem. One cigarette seems so...benign. It's harder to see it as a problem when faced with one cigarette. Looking down at that line, or pipe, or spoon, you know exactly how bad your fucking yourself up.
As for Pot. I know lots of people smoke out and jump. In my opinion it's a waste of pot and a waste of a jump ticket! But that is MY OPINION only. There is very little objective information out there, certainly none coming out of the U.S.. Anything the ONDCP is suspect, as is most info coming out of NORMAL. Everyone has an axe to grind. The most comprehensive studies (can't remember exactly when but the study comes out of the UK, published in the Lancet and was by far the longest and lagest study ever. The ONDCP had kittens because it disputed so much of thire propaganda) show that it does impair short term memory while under the influence, in other words, bad for a learning environment. As a student you may need to remember some of the stuff your hearing.
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
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They will Kill for it though! You also have to ask, what constitutes addictive. I remember people saying that coke was not addictive because it's a phychological addiction (these people were doing lots of coke). While meth is bad it's also obvious that there's a big problem. One cigarette seems so...benign. It's harder to see it as a problem when faced with one cigarette. Looking down at that line, or pipe, or spoon, you know exactly how bad your fucking yourself up.
As for Pot. I know lots of people smoke out and jump. In my opinion it's a waste of pot and a waste of a jump ticket! But that is MY OPINION only. There is very little objective information out there, certainly none coming out of the U.S.. Anything the ONDCP is suspect, as is most info coming out of NORMAL. Everyone has an axe to grind. The most comprehensive studies (can't remember exactly when but the study comes out of the UK, published in the Lancet and was by far the longest and lagest study ever. The ONDCP had kittens because it disputed so much of thire propaganda) show that it does impair short term memory while under the influence, in other words, bad for a learning environment. As a student you may need to remember some of the stuff your hearing.

I don't think its limited to whilst under the influence, although I can't quite remember B|

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Pop quiz:

What is the MOST addicting substance known to men?



Dont you mean "crack"? Pun intended
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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