
When did you guys first jump?

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Easy...short layoff...Uh...27 years to be exact.

My brother, Rick Whitlock was my JM. If you don't remember either of us...ask "Mr." Hooper...he certainly will. Neither one of us got along with him for some reason.

I don't have any pics of me from back then but I got this one from my brother of him. Although it's at Tampa Bay Parachute Ranch we were visiting one day, you may remember him by the cut-out in the cast so he could bend his arm.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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My first was a tandem at Eloy on October 28, 2006 at the age of 51. My girlfriends best friend said she wanted to do a skydive for her 30th birthday and asked her if she wanted to. GF said, "Hell no." Her GF said "Do you think Rick would?" GF said, "Hell yes." and I did.
Started AFF in Buckeye, AZ on November 26, 2006 and got my A license January 27, 2007.
Man I just love this sport and the people in it.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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Easy...short layoff...Uh...27 years to be exact.

My brother, Rick Whitlock was my JM. If you don't remember either of us...ask "Mr." Hooper...he certainly will. Neither one of us got along with him for some reason.

I don't have any pics of me from back then but I got this one from my brother of him. Although it's at Tampa Bay Parachute Ranch we were visiting one day, you may remember him by the cut-out in the cast so he could bend his arm.

I remember Rick.

I've been emailing back and forth with Hoop, I'll mention this thread to him. I believe I'll be seeing him in September when I go over to England for vacation (He lives in London).

I am about to make my first jump after a 27 year layoff myself B|, how was that?

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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I don't have any pics of me from back then but I got this one from my brother of him. Although it's at Tampa Bay Parachute Ranch we were visiting one day, you may remember him by the cut-out in the cast so he could bend his arm.

Look at this link for a shot of me from "back then." Flip through the shots there for some other interesting views.


Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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I was barely twenty years old, back in 1970, when I made the first one in Army Airborne School. We waited all afternoon, chuted up in a hot quanset building, at Benning, for the wind to die down. Finally they loaded us up in an old C-119 and took off. We flew around for quite some time, but the wind was still blowing too hard on the DZ. Talk about pucker factor. I was plenty scared...sitting back there looking out, those two open doors, with the jumpmaster grinning at us!

The next morning we went up in a C-141. Man, what a thrill! Even though I sprained my ankle bad on that jump, I was hooked. Made four more on that sore ankle to graduate.

A couple years later, I started sport jumping....Steve1

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...I've been emailing back and forth with Hoop, I'll mention this thread to him. I believe I'll be seeing him in September when I go over to England for vacation (He lives in London).

He's going to say,"Yeah, I remember that asshole." and he'll most likely be talking about Rick since I wasn't there for very long...just long enough to get on his bad side.


I am about to make my first jump after a 27 year layoff myself B|, how was that?

You are soon to be kicking yourself in the butt for waiting so long...just like I did, and still do.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Yesterday 15 years ago. I was 18.

When I was about 7, I saw skydiving on TV and told my parents to take me. They said: "No way in hell we're ever taking you to do such a thing! However, when you are 18, you can earn your own money and we won't be able to opose." Little did they know that my first salary EVER was destined to my first jum course :)

Oh, and they did come and see my 1st, 25th and around 200th jump.

Be careful giving advice. Wise men don't need it, and fools won't heed it.

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34 yrs old, it was on nov 19th 2006. Knew it would be a life changing experience but nothing could have prepared me to the extent of it. Since then have picked up and left the cozy lil beach i called home, camped out at z hills for two weeks and am now cleared for AFF level 3 at the dz i call home:$ Skydive The Farm and best of all i get to drive the short bus:D

How long til your bday?
hmmm says the mouse

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Roger – Thanks for the heads-up. Just back from the Middle East and pushing deadlines, so I’m weeks behind the latest Forum threads. I wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to contradict anyone’s description of himself, especially when there are so many really neat people I do remember; as for the others, I suppose I’ll have to chalk up a failing memory to senile dementia or – what’s the old Arab proverb? – ‘something, something and the caravan passes on’? Must do a Google to find the first part of it. Look forward to seeing you in London.
Hoop SCR242 SCS90 NSCR26

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> something, something and the caravan passes on

I remember it as "Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on".

In my sophomore year I took an experimental course
where they were trying to see how much advanced
stuff a group of unprepared kids could understand.

We were over our heads the whole time. When the
final exam came around they knew there was some
grumbling in the ranks and that was quoted as a
Turkish proverb on the top of the page.

Hey, Hoop! It's good to hear from you! It's only
been 2.7 decades :-) :-)


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