
Does FS1 (CAT10) allow you to jump with tandems ?

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No, it allows you to jump within a group of other FS1 jumpers (or you can have one non FS1 jumper in the group).

To jump with a tandem prove that you are very good at controlling yourself to the tandem master that you want to be able to jump with - then MAYBE they might let you jump with them...

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Does FS1 allow you to jump with tandems (in the UK) ?

A license, of any kind, never "lets you jump" with a tandem.
It's the Tandem Instructor that "let's you jump" with him if given permission to. ;)

Be safe.

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As a ball park figure, they normally don't like you anywhere near them with less than 500 jumps. It does happen but not often and only with people that they know are decent fliers...

There are just too many things to go wrong! :S

Best get jumping! :P

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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