
Some things that will make you a better skydiver

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Ron, I really like the original post here.

Your first statement is total Zen. I was driving back from the DZ on Saturday having completed my HnPs (catagory something or other) and we got into a long discussion on the topic of mastery. It's an attitude I try to maintain in all things that I do, and in some things I feel I achieve that point of knowing nothing.

Until I realized it was totally impractical I was considering an approach similar to the martial arts, by using white cords for the pin necklaces everyone wears.

In martial arts the novice begins with a white belt, as he works towards mastery it gets dirty and slowly turns black, over the years it frays and gets worn and turns back to white again. I've found that the more I learn the more I realize that I know nothing.

There's a fun programmers guide to Zen, which is only enlightening and humorous to techie geeks, but I'm tempted to bring all these 1 line teachings together.

Perhaps it exists, but The Zen of Skydiving seems like it might be a fun read.

*Zen is not a religious belief, it is not structured, it's an attitude - at least in the context I'm using it here.

Thanks to everyone else on the thread that contributed. If I get a few minutes later I may start it.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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I can turn points better than a large number of AFF Instructors...But to let me do AFF would be dangerous


Obviously this was written some time ago, what do you think changed?

Who said anything changed? ;)

When this was first written I was not AFF qualified. Even now there are plenty of AFF "I's" out there much more qualified than me.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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