
Air Force Academy skydiving

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Does anyone here instruct at the Academy? I'm looking at applying for that special duty soon (currently a SSGT), and I'm wondering what to expect if I get the job. I've been in touch with the folks in charge, but wanted to see what it's like from the lower level coaches. What's the day-to-day like?

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isn't their prog the one that they go thru an intensive training . then the 1st jump is a solo 10 sec on a rig with an aad on the main and reserve? I saw some video of there 1st jumps students exiting. it was shall we say entertaining:o

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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If youre not a TSgt or have a line# for TSgt you wont get the job due to the new job description. Its one of the best kept secrets in the Air Force though if youre qualified. Its the closest thing the AF have to the Golden Knights and there are a bunch cadets doing it.

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If youre not a TSgt or have a line# for TSgt you wont get the job due to the new job description. Its one of the best kept secrets in the Air Force though if youre qualified. Its the closest thing the AF have to the Golden Knights and there are a bunch cadets doing it.

Yeah I was talking with a MSgt there and he said it's possible for me to get hired and to send my resume. I guess I would be the only Staff there, so it isn't looking too likely. He said if they really needed people I could get it. The current job description is for TSgt, but 1 rank up or down.

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isn't their prog the one that they go thru an intensive training . then the 1st jump is a solo 10 sec on a rig with an aad on the main and reserve? I saw some video of there 1st jumps students exiting. it was shall we say entertaining:o

That's the one. That video is pretty interesting to watch.

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yeah it was one of the few times i've caught something intresting and skydiving related on t.v. and was somewhere i couldn't tivo it. and was unable to ever find it again while at home to rec it. anyone know where to get it
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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TSgt position was just filled (Oct 10) by KT. Although I’m sure they told you to apply, in reality, if there is not a true vacancy AFPC will not “double bang” that billet. Especially if it’s not a “critical” fill as this is not. However, keep tying. Stranger things have happened.
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isn't their prog the one that they go thru an intensive training . then the 1st jump is a solo 10 sec on a rig with an aad on the main and reserve? I saw some video of there 1st jumps students exiting. it was shall we say entertaining:o


25-30 hours (used to be 40 when we jumped rounds,. the extra time devoted to more intensive reserve deployment procedures and LOTS of PLF practice) on the ground before the first jump, then 5 solo 10-second delays.

The cadets on the Wings of Blue are the instructors and jumpmasters, the enlisted and officer staff are the AFF coaches, pilots, and logistics guys.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Back In The Day, we didn't want to put students out on squares because students often deploy unstable, and it was thought that with a square the result would be, well...


That was a riser failing and activating the reserve via an RSL.

The deployment was fine, up until the riser failed.

They were completely unstable, the parachute deployed normally, until the riser failed and the jumper did the correct thing and cut away the main.

That video is an example of bad rigging, not the ability of a square to open well from an unstable body position.
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