
Why would anybody jump from a perfectly good airplane

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I'm sooo sick of hearing that. At first it was funny,but after 5 years it drives me nuts. I'm looking for a comment to respond with,can't seem to come up with one. Something that says fuck off and die without offending much.

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"Because I like it!"

It works, people can't really argue with that.

Edited to add:

It's even truthful and honest.

If they are really interested, you get the chance to say something positive about the sport, and if they aren't, then they'll leave you alone.


Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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There's no such thing as a perfectly good airplane. Just ask the people that landed in the Hudson. (or just ask the people that died in the Air France crash)...
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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I usually tell them its obvious your area of expertise is not in aircraft. Then you would know why.
I just have to take off in it not land in it.
When I last jumped at "The Bridge" ,I told the Tee-Shirt guy. "That you ought to sell "I jumped off a perfectly good bridge" shirts. "Were doing OK as is". Try it and you wont have to go back down in the coal mine on Monday I tactfully replied. As of yet I still havent seen the shirt and he still hopes the canary doesnt stop singing

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I'm sooo sick of hearing that. At first it was funny,but after 5 years it drives me nuts. I'm looking for a comment to respond with,can't seem to come up with one. Something that says fuck off and die without offending much.

Because I can :D
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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My reply:

(Enthusiastically)"That's weird, you know that's the first time anybody's ever asked me that. No wait - now that I think about it, I have been asked that one hundred and forty seven times. You're 148. Congratulations!"

(Under my breath): "Go fuck yourself, Uncle Rex." :D:D:D

True story.


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I'm sooo sick of hearing that.

So am I. That's why I usually avoid mentioning it (or having it be mentioned) to whuffos. That includes things like skydiving pictures posted at work, bumper stickers, etc. It can be done. I find that over time it tends to keep the number down to a more tolerable level.

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I have personally not often heard that particular one before.

Lately I noticed people show the same interest as they would in a collegue/friend talking about their latest football match, or that they even start asking questions about 'how it works'. Gear questions, plane questions, prices, freefall, canopy, landing.
I don't know. After a while I'm just someone witht a hobby.:)

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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