
Coolest skydiving experience yet

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Thats pretty cool. Unless they have changed around which planes they normally use at deland since the last time I was there in the end of september then I would say they set up something special for him since they had the otter out. When I was jumping there back in september they only ran the PAC's and the skyvan was down at zhills. Too bad he didnt come down there when I was jumping at deland. On the other hand I did get to meet about 100 guys from the Qatar air force at deland while they were there doing their AFF. :D:D:D

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They are flying the otter quite a bit lately, and the Qatarians are still there haha. I jump with them every Tuesday. But yeah, I jumped the otter yesterday, but when his load came around they only had a few people on it. I really want to jump the skyvan and you telling me its in Zhills I guess is the reason I haven't seen it.

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They are flying the otter quite a bit lately, and the Qatarians are still there haha. I jump with them every Tuesday. But yeah, I jumped the otter yesterday, but when his load came around they only had a few people on it. I really want to jump the skyvan and you telling me its in Zhills I guess is the reason I haven't seen it.

Yeah the skyvan is pretty awesome, You should consider taking a ride over to zhills sometime and jump it. Its not too far of a drive from deland and its a great dz as well.

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For my best sydiving experience was doing a good job of our (my wife and I) routine in the first round of our frst world championships.

I was really happy, compared to the Finns and the French we were way behind but for us we were at the top.

here is a vid of the jump and the training leading up to it...


the helecopter exit was kinda funky (but cool) and only from 10k ...
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Very cool, very nice job. She looks beautiful in the air. B|

Coolest jump ever? I'm not sure, but it could have been when our 4 children's new elementary school was having a grand opening event and called our local DZ to have jumpers drop in. Our DZO said "Why sure, two of your students' parents jump here." All four of our kids were so proud to have the skydiving mom and dad that evening. It was cool for us to have the kids want to actually be seen in public with their parents. :)

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Jumping with Bear at Perris , filming the "Sonic Booms" 20way team, Bear put together newbies in the sport every year to compete in 20 , during the thanks giving Boogie..

Especially the second year I filmed them,and my wife was on the team, Pregnant with our son..

As we were climbing out, me on the camera step of the DC3,(Our Douglas) she turned and yelled to me, "He's Kicking"! That was the first time my son kicked! which he did every time we got in the DC 3 after that!

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As for getting on the same load with him. I think the dropzone was trying to not get people on loads with him, I was trying. But its kinda odd when they send a twin otter up with 9 heads on it and manifest says its full, he must have worked out something with the dropzone.

I can understand wanting to focus on some specific training task, but this is hardly an example of humility.
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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As for getting on the same load with him. I think the dropzone was trying to not get people on loads with him, I was trying. But its kinda odd when they send a twin otter up with 9 heads on it and manifest says its full, he must have worked out something with the dropzone.

I can understand wanting to focus on some specific training task, but this is hardly an example of humility.

What's the problem with that? On several occasions I've purchased the entire load, or half the load, for multiple reasons. The greatest reason was that I wanted the air free of canopies during a shot I'd wanted to get. I'm sure there are other reasons.
A reasonably well-known jumper came to get wingsuit training from me, but insisted it be on a Mon-Thurs. He didn't want the attention (and distraction) that a weekend might bring.
There could be other reasons to be insulated.
How do any of the above translate to "lacking humility?"

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As for getting on the same load with him. I think the dropzone was trying to not get people on loads with him, I was trying. But its kinda odd when they send a twin otter up with 9 heads on it and manifest says its full, he must have worked out something with the dropzone.

I can understand wanting to focus on some specific training task, but this is hardly an example of humility.

What's the problem with that? On several occasions I've purchased the entire load, or half the load, for multiple reasons. The greatest reason was that I wanted the air free of canopies during a shot I'd wanted to get. I'm sure there are other reasons.
A reasonably well-known jumper came to get wingsuit training from me, but insisted it be on a Mon-Thurs. He didn't want the attention (and distraction) that a weekend might bring.
There could be other reasons to be insulated.
How do any of the above translate to "lacking humility?"

well made point....these people have a hard time walking down the street sometimes, imagin a crowded sky!:o:S

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As for getting on the same load with him. I think the dropzone was trying to not get people on loads with him, I was trying. But its kinda odd when they send a twin otter up with 9 heads on it and manifest says its full, he must have worked out something with the dropzone.

I can understand wanting to focus on some specific training task, but this is hardly an example of humility.

What's the problem with that? On several occasions I've purchased the entire load, or half the load, for multiple reasons. The greatest reason was that I wanted the air free of canopies during a shot I'd wanted to get. I'm sure there are other reasons.
A reasonably well-known jumper came to get wingsuit training from me, but insisted it be on a Mon-Thurs. He didn't want the attention (and distraction) that a weekend might bring.
There could be other reasons to be insulated.
How do any of the above translate to "lacking humility?"

Humility -noun
'the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's importance, rank, etc.'

You can re-read my post if you didn't understand.
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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As for getting on the same load with him. I think the dropzone was trying to not get people on loads with him, I was trying. But its kinda odd when they send a twin otter up with 9 heads on it and manifest says its full, he must have worked out something with the dropzone.

I can understand wanting to focus on some specific training task, but this is hardly an example of humility.

What's the problem with that? On several occasions I've purchased the entire load, or half the load, for multiple reasons. The greatest reason was that I wanted the air free of canopies during a shot I'd wanted to get. I'm sure there are other reasons.
A reasonably well-known jumper came to get wingsuit training from me, but insisted it be on a Mon-Thurs. He didn't want the attention (and distraction) that a weekend might bring.
There could be other reasons to be insulated.
How do any of the above translate to "lacking humility?"

Humility -noun
'the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's importance, rank, etc.'

You can re-read my post if you didn't understand.

You're right, I fail to understand your point.
The intimation is that the guy should be humble and not have the experience he's paying to have, for whatever reason. If you feel it is an example of pride, perhaps you can explain exactly how so. It may be an example of practicality.

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At a boogie last year I got SkyMama to sign my logbook. It remains one of my most prized posessions.

Unfortunately later that night I left my logbook laying out and some Muff Brothers got ahold of it. They took the liberty of logging about three pages of blowjobs, gay group sex, and weed smoking in there... Hahaha I guess that's what you get when you leave your shit laying around :D

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