
Ankle injury - Ruptured ATFL

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Yo guys,

A couple of weeks ago i topped off a normal landing by putting my foot on some seriously rutted ground and rolled my ankle pretty badly.

No fractures, but I've just returned from getting it ultrasounded and the results are suggestive of a ruptured AFTL. I've got my next doctors appointment scheduled for monday which, happily, leaves me a couple of days to stew on teh idea of maybe being out for a lot longer than initially anticipated.

I appreciate that the ankle is a complex pit of chaos, ligaments and despair and that no two injuries are identical, but does anyone have any experience of anything similar?


PS by 'stew' I probably mean sit on my couch and get drunk.

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Harden the fuck up! I've rolled or sprained my ankles numerous times when i was a younger skater punk.... once you can put enough weight on them to walk there good... mind you mine make some really loud cracking noises when they get stiff.... thats the canadian health care system for ya
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Harden the fuck up! I've rolled or sprained my ankles numerous times when i was a younger skater punk.... once you can put enough weight on them to walk there good... mind you mine make some really loud cracking noises when they get stiff.... thats the canadian health care system for ya


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I don't know what an ATFL is, but I sprained my ankle in a similar manner a couple months ago. Packed, and made another jump, just hopped on one foot during the landing. Took the next day off, wrapped and iced my ankle, took some ibuprofen, and jumped normally the next weekend and so on.

Edit: I looked up ATFL, and yup, that's the one I tore, too. Most common type of ankle sprain

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Sorry to hear that!

I am exactly 5 weeks post a sub-talar dislocation with spontaneous reduction following a landing that should have been just fine. Translation: I screwed up an otherwise fine landing and really badly sprained the joint BELOW the ankle (within the foot).

No fractures, no joint instability (so we assume no ligament ruptures).

My biggest problem NOW is swelling. Lots and lots of swelling that makes it hard to do the stretching & strengthening exercises that I need. Yep, five weeks post injury I still have a tree trunk for a leg...>:(

Given your login name, I suspect that age is NOT on your side. You may have a long recovery. Sorry.

Wish you the best.

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If it's ruptured it needs to be stabilized until it can heal.
Healing for this will likely take a full 6 weeks.
You can ignore it, but that will lead to a lax or incomplete ligament, which will lead to long term instability in the ankle.

Yep, thats the answer.
You are still very welcome to harden the fuck up, but don't be stupid.

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