
USPAnationals.com ??

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I was out at the site yesterday to get ready to follow the event and the site was looking ok - cluttered and full of crap that was WAY unneeded but online with e Canopy piloting scores. I go out this morning and it has this note:


We are sorry to announce that the USPA has shutdown uspanationals.com. You must go elsewhere to find news and results about the USPA nationals each year

Then it brags about the pointless features that were added like chat and other stupid items.

Anyone know what is going on? I see the contact details on the site are all pointing back to Jim Slaton. I was thinking in years past that the USPA or DZ's had direct control of that page and were using it for promotion of the event ever since Perris sold nationals.com over to the baseball team years ago.

Anyone have a page URL to follow the scores this year?
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Exactly as stated the powers that be wrote a rather harshly worded letter advising the owner of uspanationals.com to cease and desist. So much for the USPA allowing Nationals to be promoted.

IMO, and ONLY my opinion, there is some politicing going on here.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Yeah I'd like to learn what the story on that is.
I didn't see anything wrong with it.

In the meantime, I'll be gathering scores from various places and putting them up on OmniSkore.com
If you know team members out there, please ask them to send scores to me directly or post to FB or twitter.
I will need to know their handles and team name and number.

One thing that USPA does not realize, is that they could sell an XML feed of the scores to various third parties.
(You know make money.)

I asked Kurt Gaebel a few years ago if he would use an XML feed.
He's not a programmer type and said he wouldn't use it.

A video feed is supposed to be on skydive-tv.com.
Put since the weather is bad out there right now, nothing is up.
But I do wonder if they have a cease and desist letter???

Can't help but think "What the heck is USPA thinking?"

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One thing that USPA does not realize, is that they could sell an XML feed of the scores to various third parties.
(You know make money.)

I asked Kurt Gaebel a few years ago if he would use an XML feed.
He's not a programmer type and said he wouldn't use it.

A video feed is supposed to be on skydive-tv.com.
Put since the weather is bad out there right now, nothing is up.
But I do wonder if they have a cease and desist letter???

Can't help but think "What the heck is USPA thinking?"


Got to love luddites. Its like they don't actually want to promote the sport by making scores easily accessable.

"We know the results but we'll tell the fans when we are damn good and ready.." :(
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Just out of curiosity, how exactly do they have a leg to stand on?

The scores are public knowledge at CSC right?

This is like (from what I could tell) someone posting a personal page tracking NFL scores.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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I'm fairly happy, I can follow along during the work day, but it is still criminal that the videos aren't being posted at least daily if not every round as they land...I mean really what decade is this??? I can watch video from ski resorts, river guides and even scuba trips in near real-time.
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USPA's explination of the issue. Looking at the info I would agree with them. Having a unified web address under the control of the USPA for all future events would be a great thing.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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