
I want to see pictures of cool looking rigs!

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Hey you're holding my roommate's hand in that picture!

He's the one on the right with the little purple squares on his suit.

Nice rig by the way.

Your roomate is Tom. How's he doing? I thought I saw some recent pics of him too - somewhere?!?:S

Tell him I said "HELLO!!!!"

ps. not that I'm phobic, but that is his wrist I'm holding - not his hand... :D

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Did you not see that the request was for COOL looking rigs ?

here's a few

Mines cool, cause it's rare.

You see vectors, javelins and all kinds of mirages all over the place everywhere!

Here's a little bit about it http://www.dropzone.com/gear/Detailed/240.html
"Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean

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Did you not see that the request was for COOL looking rigs ?

here's a few

Mines cool, cause it's rare.

You see vectors, javelins and all kinds of mirages all over the place everywhere!

Here's a little bit about it http://www.dropzone.com/gear/Detailed/240.html

By the same logic my 1978 Cazer Paraloft Eagle1 is cool too, since it's so ultra rare.


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By the same logic my 1978 Cazer Paraloft Eagle1 is cool too, since it's so ultra rare.


I don't see a problem with my rig. I like it, it's extremely comfortable on my back and the colors are not bad, even though I prefer red and black... It may be a bit old (mines made in 2000), but it's still very good, PdF - Quality.

Edit: is that javelin leather?:o
"Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean

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