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Quote(On another note, Speaker's Corner in London was famed as place where you were, are still are, allowed to get up and say just about anything you like. The use of moderators in SC seems to be conterintuitive to that heritage.)
One thing is omitted from that concept by the internet, proximity. Standing on a corner facing a crowd, about 95% of the posters would not speak as offensively as they write (more than once).
Eventually, Wreck lost what I perceive to be the original intent of skydiving - fun. It became a flamefest where one poster, with 200 poorly executed jumps, would attack any random poster and then two more would jump in.
The signal to noise ratio became so poor that it was valueless to post there, or in my case, even read it.
Probably the most telling fact of all is that people did leave.
I too am still alive and well.
Oh...and USPA still sucks.
Blue skys,
Mike O'Mara
aka DJ Mike
aka Mr. MOM
The only guarantee in skydiving WILL land !
Scrumpot 1
All these posts over all this time on this, and I'm surprised that no one has also mentioned NippleBoy! The original wreck-dot troll!
How about all the spirited Martin Evans "debates"? Winsor was there. The Prof was there. RL, of course. Many as well, as RL points out who (I don't think even made it over here) who will be both remembered, and still to this day (JanDevil, et al ) sorely missed.
Scrumpot was back then the much "quieter", and much more newby "Orange-Splat"
Ahhh, nostalgia. It just aint what it used to be!
BillyVance 34
QuoteAll these posts over all this time on this, and I'm surprised that no one has also mentioned NippleBoy! The original wreck-dot troll!
How about all the spirited Martin Evans "debates"? Winsor was there. The Prof was there. RL, of course. Many as well, as RL points out who (I don't think even made it over here) who will be both remembered, and still to this day (JanDevil, et al ) sorely missed.
Scrumpot was back then the much "quieter", and much more newby "Orange-Splat"
Ahhh, nostalgia. It just aint what it used to be!
And Treetops too. He had a large portion of Speakers Corner topics in there as well, IIRC
Scrumpot 1
What has ever happened to good ol' Mr. Jardine, anyway? Remember the big "Proxy-conspiracy" and take-over USPA days where he was gonna become self-appointed king of us all? I actually went to one of the USPA meetings once (back when they were on the 2nd floor above that bowling alley place) at his "peak", and believe he MAY have once, maybe even garnered I think... maybe 8 total proxies for his efforts. Still at least TRIED to stir the h** while he was there, none-the-less. Snuffy Smith I think too, even came to one of those meetings, IIRC. Fun daze indeed.
This place is no different. It just has a nicer front end and a few moderators to round off some of the rough edges (on the few occaisions that they can be actually bothered to do so consistently). It's still the same loose collection of trolls, goons, and 50 jump wonders that made rec dot the delightful place it was.
Then, just like rec dot, there's the 10% of people who know what they are talking about and whose posts are worth reading. The trick on usenet was the judicious use of kill files. The trick here seems to be a restained mouse clicking hand, and avoidance of Speakers Corner at all costs.
(On another note, Speaker's Corner in London was famed as place where you were, are still are, allowed to get up and say just about anything you like. The use of moderators in SC seems to be conterintuitive to that heritage.)
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