
Share or exchange of gear forum?

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Does this site now or has it ever, had a forum to let people exchange or share or demo gear, videos, books, etc?

For instance, right now I'd like to read a few books and check out some videos for learning purposes. So, if anyone has anything like that that they would mind sending my way, I'll use it for a bit and then pass it on to someone new or send it back to the original owner.

I've seen this work well on some other sites of interest.

Life expands or contracts in proportion to one's courage. ~Anais Nin

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So many possibilities. Sponsored jumpers might want to pass on some new gadget they got to demo or the company might post some demo items directly. Jumpers with a bit more experience might pass on somethings to the newer ones and so on.

I know money is always an issue when trying to fund life, but this could be more about helping and sharing with like-minded people.

And if companies and suppliers are smart, they can use it as a great marketing tool to get the word out about their newest toys.
Life expands or contracts in proportion to one's courage. ~Anais Nin

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Seeing success in a concept like this requires honesty and responsibility from all parties involved...not saying that you won't find it, but just saying that everybody has to be trustworthy enough to pass something on instead of keep it for themselves.
Say someone demos a piece of gear somebody sent them...what happens if they like it so much they decide not to pass it on? Perhaps people could only keep things for a limited period of time. I think its a great idea, but I think it would take a lot of work to keep the cogs spinning smoothly.

As for books, I would rather buy and keep them instead of passing them on. I'm constantly looking back into skydiving books I've already read. Always nice to have them when you want to look something up.
And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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Good point about the books Tia. I can go either way with that personally. If I like it enough after an initial read, I'll go buy my own copy for a reference.

The honor system would be very important yes. However, anyone receiving anything being circulated would be adding their name to a list for that particular item for all to see. When it is shipped out to the next person on the list, the previous person simply posts that shipping date and the person's name receiving it on the list. And so on and so forth. That way there is a running list of received and shipped dates associated with everyone on the list. It would be VERY simple.

AND if someone gets a bit forgetful or lazy or as you say, really likes the item, then the person waiting their turn will certainly post a reminder:) If a person actually keeps it, well then they are very bold because everyone will know who broke the chain.
Life expands or contracts in proportion to one's courage. ~Anais Nin

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I think it is a great idea for fixed items that are try and pass on, like canopies or altimeters. But doing the same thing for videos and books, etc deprives the people of income for their product as the product is the video. Once you have demo'd a canopy, you can pass it on to someone else and you are potentially helping the manufacturer. Once someone has viewed a video or read a book they really have "consumed" the product, even though it can be passed on, and therefore have no need to purchase it from the manufacturer. The argument could be made, similar to music sharing, that it would lead people to purchase more books / videos from the company if they liked it but I am not sure how I would feel if that were my product.

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