
Jumping with sinus infection

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Yesterday first load nose bleed, and sharp pain in my forehead at 6k every load afterwards...today got to 6th load and then nose started bleeding but not too much of that sharp pain in my forehead. Went to the doctors and he thinks i have a sinus infection, he gave me some nasal sprays and some pills to take for a few days. He thinks the nose bleed was a popped blood vessel from the pressure not being able to release

How long should i not jump for...i work full time in the sport.
What have your experiences been with it, how long did the infection take to clear?

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Ugh! Hate that. I've had a couple of jumps where I've had to push it and jump with a sinus issue. To me it's always felt like a nail being driven into my skull and I've had a couple of times where I've landed looking like somebody had punched me in the face with blood everywhere.

It's not something to be taken lightly either as the pain can be seriously distracting.

I'd at least give it a week and even at that go up for a hop-n-pop first to see how things are before committing to a full altitude jump.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It hasnt been alot of blood the past 2 days...just dripping in my nose a little and i feel it dripping in freefall...sticking my finger in my nose and then looking at it while doing a tandem video...the customer would never remember it!

I started taking amoxicillan and some nasal spray...im gonna take off till thursday and start working on friday again...hope it will be gone by then...im taing 825mg of amoxicilian 2 times a day so hopefully itll fix it!

Has it even gone down your throat to the point where your spitting flem and theres blood in it? The doctor saw it dripping from my nose down my throat!

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That's why I went and got tubes in my ears 5 years ago. I used to get ear infections all the time and the sinus infections as well, then I went to my family ear, Nose and Throat Doctor and he recommended tubes. I thought that just kids got that done, but he said that close to as many adults get then, so I got it done and I don't have that problem any more. I and the ENT Doctor don't recommend them if you are are also a scuba diver.
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Same exact thing happened to me and i found out from a ENT specialist and a Aviation Medical Examiner that my maxillary and frontal sinus cavities were not allowing pressure to equalize on the ride up and during the skydive. Sometimes i would get nose bleeds only on the way up and no pain on the way down and vice versa. I was told to make sure i was well hydrated a day before i jump and during the jump day. When you get dehydrated the mucus membranes that surround the sinus cavities will dry up and this will cause complications that will alter the proper equalization process. I almost drink a gallon of water on long hot jump days and continue to use Afrin spray occasionally and Saline nasal spray to help moisturize.

I waited about a week before i jumped again and it was fine, so drink a lot of water this week and you should be good to go.

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To me it's always felt like a nail being driven into my skull and I've had a couple of times where I've landed looking like somebody had punched me in the face with blood everywhere..

Very painful indeed!

Was ripping some speed skydives and the nail analogy is dead on!

Then it's like you're blowing blood bubbles out your nose....takes a few weeks to clear out.

Don't go away mad....just go away!

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