
Questions About Skydiving

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Ok, so i've been researching Skydiving for some time. Always wanted to do it, and almost got a chance a couple of weeks ago.

The Good Part: Is that i was able to research skydiving as part of my HW for english :)
The Bad Part: Is that for the same english HW i need people to tell me some things i was hoping some people here could answer some questions

1.) What made you want to go skydiving

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

3.) What was the free-fall like

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

This is for me i guess as much as it is for HW. If you could reply ASAP it would be appreciated.

And then not in the "interview" thing just how old do you think i should wait until b4 i go skydiving? I've really wanted to go since i was 13. (Before even, when i was 8 and watched a movie where they went skydiving) B|

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

I needed something to do on the weekends other than drinking.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

Scared shitless on my first one. Now I look forward to the door opening.

3.) What was the free-fall like

Which time? My first 5 were static line so I got no freefall. The rest of them... well, freefall is one of those things that can't really be explained...

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

Again, which time? After my first one I was amazed that anything that fun could be legal. Now I'm happy if me and my friends all get to walk back to the packing area.

Suggest that you do a search on these forums, as each of your questions has been answered here numerous times for people doing exactly what you are doing.


just how old do you think i should wait until b4 i go skydiving?

Old enough that you have enough of your own money (money you earned, not that your parents earned) to do it more than once.

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

~Had all this money to blow, and figured it would take way too long to drink myself to death. :)

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

~Physically I felt the wing strut, emotionally I felt like puking.

3.) What was the free-fall like

~just like falling really really fast!

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

~I prefer to call it landing.:P

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

Don't take anything a skydiver says to heart, they're all pretty weird. :$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

> I was a military jumper and hoping to go to HALO school so I thought skydiving would give me a leg-up when I got there (hehe, I said, leg.) Fell in love with it.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane.

>My Jumpmaster smacking me on the ass.

3.) What was the free-fall like

> It's like jumping into a windblast and then riding a cushion of air.

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

> Like going and doing it again.

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving.

Don't listen to Airtwardo
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Many of your questions are hard to answer, it would be like asking "what was it like your first time riding a bicycle? or first time driving a car?" Nobody can explain it in a way that makes sense to someone who hasn't done it, the best way is to try it and form your own opinion. But, I will try to answer your questions.
1.) What made you want to go skydiving
My friends peer pressured me into it. It was something to try, I definitely did not want to pursue it. It took quite awhile to prepare myself mentally to do it, but you can only convince yourself so much that skydiving is a normal thing.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane
Well, I went with 2 of my friends, all tandems, and I was number 2 in the exit order. After I watched my first friend go, I got into the doorway and looked down at him doing front flips and getting really small, really fast. At that point my instructor was pulling my head back and away we went. Boy, there is nothing like your first time leaving that plane.

3.) What was the free-fall like
At first, scary, you feel like you are in outer space or in an abyssal trench. Then, once you are stable and level, and realize you are just cruising at 120mph towards the earth, the fun really begins. You take your first breath after exiting, and relax a bit. You start to notice things, like the pressure of the wind on your body, the wind noise, the fact that the view is friggin sweet.

4.) When you touched down how did you feel
At this point, you realize that the jump is over, you are still alive, and the first thing I did was look to the sky in amazement. I came from there? Once I was down, I was hooked for life. I have found after watching many first time tandems that only a handful are as determined to continue in the sport as I was that very moment, but once you know something is very right, you know it.

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving
The oldest skydiver I believe is in their 90s, and you can start when you are 16-18. If you fall in between those ages, you should give it a try. Sometimes I picture people who would never even think of jumping giving it a try, and I just know it would rock their world and they would never be the same. Even if it was just one jump.

The fact that you say you want to try it means you should, I know that I was never interested, at all, in skydiving. My dad was a pilot and whenever I would look out that window, the last thing I wanted to do was leave the plane.

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1- it's something i had always wanted to try. been a huge fan of thrill rides since i was a kid. jumping isn't anything like thrill rides. i still love both.

2- excited about what i was about to do, nervous for the same reasons, and anxious about doing the AFF steps right.

3- like pushing against a very strong wind.

4- amazed at what i had just experienced and eager to do it again.

5- if you're willing to accept the risk, take responsability to keep yourself and others safe, and willing to work to improve and never stop learning it can be one of life's most rewarding experiences.
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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1 - I was stoned and it seemed like a good idea, but then a lot of things seem like a good idea when you're stoned.... :D

2 - First few times? Scared shitless...

3 - Free fall felt like I was flying

4 - At first, pure elation... now, it's a desire to get back up and do it again, and again, and again...

5 - Don't get stoned... :D:D

The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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As a teacher, I can't resis helping a student, so here's a little from an older beginner. I started in October at age 57

1.) What made you want to go skydiving

It was a field trip for a physics class I was taking. I had never seriously given any thought to skydiving before that time.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

I saw three young men go out of the plane ahead of me and they reminded me of kids at Christmas about to get the best present in the world. I figured for them to look like that, I must be about to have a. (and I was right)

3.) What was the free-fall like

It is an indescribable experience as others have said. It is noisy and windy and the view is spectacular. I remember thinking how much better the view looked without an airplane in the way.
n experience I would never forget

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

Speechless and one of my first thoughts was that I was definitely going to do it again. About two hors later I was considering doing it every year on ly birthday and two hours after that, I was calling the dropzone to find out how to get a license so I could do it myself

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

That first skydive changed my life in ways that I never imagined possible. I have grown in my self-confidence and found a world of slightly dysfunctional people that make everyday more fun than the one before.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

> I lost a bet with some friends. For added insurance that I would do a skydive with them, my buddy invited a girl from one of my college classes, that I was interested in, and she happily agreed to make a skydive. So I was screwed either way.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

> I was scared beyond my wildest dreams. I puked the evening before the jump. And I puked in my buddies car on the way to the DZ and puke once more at the DZ.

3.) What was the free-fall like

> I was too scared to remember... honestly. (I really dislike heights and flying)

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

> I was over come with joy that I survived. And then I puked once again.

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

> Despite my fear of flying in an AC, words can not express the pure freedom I feel when making a skydive. (Could also be the fact that I no longer have to be in the AC!:S) Nothing else matters to me except for being in the air!
Skydiving has allowed me the opportunity confront a fear and except it (kind of) as part of the joy of the sport. An experience that I truly have to say is almost spiritual for me.
Hope this helps!

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...and found a world of slightly dysfunctional people that make everyday more fun than the one before.

Now THAT is a really nice way of describing me and the bunch of loony whack jobs I have found at the dropzones I have been to. Thanks!

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

I didn't want to go skydiving. I got drug out by some friends who wanted to go. I was 16 and I was peer pressured into it.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane
I actually put it out of my head. Didn't think about it at all until the door of the plane opened. All the wind in the world is hard to ignore. I jumped into the pilots lap. (Cessna 182) When the jumpmaster finally got me out the door and hanging on the strut I couldn't figure out how to climb back in and I fell. I figured I was dead.

3.) What was the free-fall like
Freefall is like floating. When you get out of the plane it doesn't make your stomach drop like you think it would. The plane is already going 80 miles an hour. If you've ever stuck you hand out the car window when you are going 80mph you'll know there is some wind pressure there. You jump into that wind and it feels like you are floating. You're up so high that you don't get ground rush either. So you are up there floating. You can fly forward, do flips, spins or whatever and do it all with the best view in the world. It's amazing. It puts everyday life into perspective really fast.

4.) When you touched down how did you feel
I'm assuming this is after my first jump? I was so relieved that I'd lived through it all that I wanted to go again. I know! Weird. But I did. Lots of adrenaline.

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving
It took me a lot of jumps before I really started liking it. I'm not an extreme person I suppose. But it's a great sport with great people. Try it!

You didn't say how old you were. Are you old enough to jump?

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Sry...i'm 15, so if i go to england next year i'll be of legal age, although at the place i can go i could have gone this year if my parents had allowed me.


Thanks everyone...honestly i didnt expect so many replies. And most answers were similar, and similar to what i was expecting...hehe i think if i ever do it going up for the first time i would be scared shitless also ^^
The magic rock jumped out of a plane and dropped...and made a small crater in the ground...

< _< dont look at me i didnt do it!

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1) Not really sure...wanted to do it my whole life but it just wasn't one of those things like taking up skiing that I was just gonna go down to the dropzone on my own and just start learning how to do it...I got started when some crazy guy at work who had done alot of tandems decided to get an entire group of coworkers together and all go skydiving...I said I would do it, at the same time, I was thinking this guy is nuts

2) Prior to jumping out of the plane. Driving to the DZ I think I was seriously pondering my entire life...how in the world did I get talked into this? Wait a second, I always wanted to do this why am I doubting myself...? It was motivation that other cute girls were going, but at the same time, didn't want to chicken out...when it became my turn at the door, I just went. Think I thought about how nuts it was and was alot more scared my 2nd jump after I realized what I did the first time

3) Freefall was nuts...I think once I went out that door I just expected to die and suddenly my tandem master was tapping my shoulders...Either we fell through a cloud or my eyes were closed, all of a sudden I could see the most amazing view. It was very loud...I remember my mouth open and trying to breathe and I was in total shock...when the tandem master deployed all I could say over and over was WOW....WOW....WOW....saying that was the coolest thing ever and the tandem master agreeing with me...

4) When I touched down, I knew my life would never be the same...I was on an adrenaline rush for days and my confidence was through the roof...I felt invincible...of course now I realize how vulnerable I really am but that was an incredible feeling.

5) You'll have a great video after you do your tandem...most people will think your nuts but they will love the video...good luck convincing others to go skydive or even watch. Usually if you can get them to watch for awhile they'll do it, but the hard part is just getting them to come to the dropzone...I've swore up and down I'll never peer pressure anyone to jump but still they always have some excuse for not making it that weekend...

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Sry...i'm 15,...

i think if i ever do it going up for the first time i would be scared shitless also

15? Watch your mouth you whipper-snapper.

SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

3.) What was the free-fall like

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

1) I needed a challenge. After some thought, skydiving seemed a good one.

2) not much, actually. I had this detached feeling and I remember clearly that I thought the scenery below looked just like a quilted blanket.
Then I pushed off and I nearly panicked. Fortunately I was doing static-line which means you are under canopy within three seconds. Once the parachute was open and I started flying it, it was the coolest thing I'd ever done.

3) My first freefall was very overwhelming; I have a vague image of a treeline, the sensation of the wind screaming past my ears and feeling my hands starting to tingle with cold within two seconds (it was december). On the other hand, that first five-seconds of freefall still isn't over. :)
4) I want to do this again!!

5) I feel never so much alive as during a jump. Doesn't matter what excercises I'm doing. Once you're out of the door there is nothing but the jump and (once you get some experience) the person(s) you're doing the jump with. To quote Queen: It's a kind of magic. :P

6) You may find a DZ that allows you to skydive at sixteen, I know mine does. However, we require written consent from a parent/guardian. So you better be a model son for the rest of the year.
Good luck!
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

- Always wanted to try it, so I did a tandem jump for charity. Got hooked and did AFF a few months later

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane.

- Anxious, nervous, excited. Now I can't wait to get out. The worst part is being squashed up on a full load... However enjoy the ride to altitude, appreciate what you are about to do.

3.) What was the free-fall like.

- It's like trying to explain sex to a virgin, you have to see for yourself. All I will say is that it is the greatest rush of sensory overload I have ever experienced. For about 40/50 seconds you are free, reality does not exist... at least until pull time anyway!

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

- Buzzing from head to toe. Now I get back to the packing hangar as quick as I can to pack and then manifest for the next lift.

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

- Skydiving WILL change your life forever. It becomes your life. Work, social life, family and friends all start to take a back seat when you start jumping. If nothing else make sure you keep hold of your family and friends. Like I said skydiving will become your life at it is all to easy to forget everything around you. Only you can draw the line!

oh and say goodbye to all of your money!

"When I left school I couldn't even spell skydiver. Now I are one!"

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

...never was in a plane before...so i was looking for an airplane ride

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

...was busy enjoying the view...so i felt pretty good. i was "ignorantly blissful"

3.) What was the free-fall like

...like falling free.

4.) When you touched down how did you feel
... landed 15 feet from the target, using a 28' round,, ( cheapo) so i felt DAMN good...

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving.
...It's " Life-Changing"


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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

>I was depressed and thought "what the hell"... seriously.

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

>Like I was about to do some public speaking, terrible feeling, anxiety++, just a sickening feeling in the gut.

3.) What was the free-fall like

>Wind, wind and more wind... and noise. Did I mention wind?

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

>Confused, trying to make sense of wtf just happened B|

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

>I like it ;)

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

- I saw this video: http://www.bird-man.com/index.cgi?n=gallery&q=video
You can't fly a wingsuit without being a skydiver, so......

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

- Sweaty, nervous, excited, almost sexually aroused. ;)

3.) What was the free-fall like

I am in the static line/AFP program, so not much free fall in the beginning.

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

Like doing it again, and again, and again.....

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

Skydiving is one of the few things I've done, in my 41 years on and off this planet, that you cannot fake, you cannot pretend you're something you're not, where an attitude can kill you, and you make friends unlike any you ever had.

Plus, you get to fly like freakin' Superman!!!!

How's that? :)

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1) I saw a video of a buddy doing a tandem & was like "Hey lets go try that out this long weekend".

2) I almost shiat my pants when standing at the door!

3) FreeFall was the best feeling in the world, being under a good canopy was even better, i honestly feel like i'm on top of the world when under canopy. I actually can't wait until i am able to do hop & pops @ 10,500!

4) What i felt was something that i can't really discribe, i was thinking more along the lines of did i just jump out of that freakin air plane!!! :S

5) Skydiving has made me grow in every single way possible, i've made really good friends at the DZ, I've learned so much and still continue to learn every time i'm at the DZ.

Now just get your parents wasted and have them sign the wavier and just tell them it's for a field trip with your school! :P

Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving

2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane

3.) What was the free-fall like

4.) When you touched down how did you feel

5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving

As far as how old you should be? I think 18 and with your parents permission.


"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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1.) What made you want to go skydiving
-- A couple of my mates had done aff lvl1 and i wanted to go.
2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane
-- More scared of failing the level and having to pay another $400NZD
than jumping out of a plane to be honest.
3.) What was the free-fall like
-- very much sensory overload until i took the 2 deep breaths :)
4.) When you touched down how did you feel
-- how long til i can get enough money to do another one (did 2 more levels 2 weeks later)
5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving
-- if you can start off with enough money to do you whole aff do, as you will want to do it.

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