
Landings? What are they like? how hard and fast?

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I will agree with previous poster, go to the dz and watch for a day or even more, make sure you are comfortable with what ever decision you make. As I mentioned the landings were (and still are) one of my biggest concerns with this sport, as that is where the majority of fatalities and injuries come from these days. I did spend two weekends at the local dz before deciding to take the FJC....my primary goal during those two weekends was to watch the students land their parachutes.

IMHO you can never be too cautious or too careful when making decisions in regards to skydiving. :)
hope it goes well for you.

"A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

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Of course, you shouldnt start swooping until you at least get your A license. Then you can wingsuit, after a Mr. Bill, wearing your go-pro, while swooping your Velo.:D

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Of course, you shouldnt start swooping until you at least get your A license. Then you can wingsuit, after a Mr. Bill, wearing your go-pro, while swooping your Velo.:D

I thought you needed at least 100 jumps for all that. Woo hoo!!! Gonna get me a Velo! Yeah baby!!! B|B|B|

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All right could somebody (or Heatmiser) translate that last post for me?

I really don't feel too bad for not understanding it since I'm new. Yes, I got that he was being sarcastic.


Of course, you shouldnt start swooping until you at least get your A license. Then you can wingsuit, after a Mr. Bill, wearing your go-pro, while swooping your Velo

Sure. It only takes about 25 jumps to earn your A license; and you're really still very much a novice with that little amount of experience. The sarcasm is that all these activities, to be done safely, are best done by well-experienced skydivers, and can be quite dangerous if done with insufficient skydiving experience.

Swooping is a high-speed, high-performance type of landing. A wingsuit is a type of jumpsuit that has "wings", kind of like a flying squirrel, between the arms and legs. A go-pro is a small type of video camera, easy to wear on one's person (and most people think that wearing a camera while jumping adds enough of a distraction that it should only be done by experienced jumpers). A "Velo" is a canopy brand named Velocity. It is a high-performance canopy that is great fun for skilled, experienced canopy pilots, but can be very dangerous if jumped by an inexperienced jumper (think: 16 year old kid in a Ferrari).

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Of course, you shouldnt start swooping until you at least get your A license. Then you can wingsuit, after a Mr. Bill, wearing your go-pro, while swooping your Velo.:D

I thought daytime swooping was OK before the A license, and just the night swooping required the A license first? ;)
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Funny thing was the only thing I didn't know was what a Mr. Bill is and I wasn't specific enough when I asked for an interpretation. Everything else (except the velocity) was obvious.

That said I know there are plenty of other junior jumpers and I agree that sarcasm can be bad. I hope we all know that a few jumps and an A license doesn't mean it's time to do whatever you want.

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Funny thing was the only thing I didn't know was what a Mr. Bill is and I wasn't specific enough when I asked for an interpretation. Everything else (except the velocity) was obvious.

That said I know there are plenty of other junior jumpers and I agree that sarcasm can be bad. I hope we all know that a few jumps and an A license doesn't mean it's time to do whatever you want.

A Mr Bill is when 2 jumpers go out the door holding on to each other and one deploys right away. The other tries to hang on, and if successful is now riding on the jumper with the open canopy. They fly around for a bit, then the jumper who hasn't opened jumps off (usually screaming "OH NOOOOOO") The "No Goggles" thread is a video of a Mr Bill that didn't quite go as planned.

And if you read the "Stilletto as a student canopy"(the most recent part) and the "Is a go-pro a camera" threads you will see that some jumpers think that they know what they are doing, are smarter, better, and faster learners than the ones that the rules and recommendations are written for.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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Funny thing was the only thing I didn't know was what a Mr. Bill is and I wasn't specific enough when I asked for an interpretation. Everything else (except the velocity) was obvious.

That said I know there are plenty of other junior jumpers and I agree that sarcasm can be bad. I hope we all know that a few jumps and an A license doesn't mean it's time to do whatever you want.

A Mr Bill is when 2 jumpers go out the door holding on to each other and one deploys right away. The other tries to hang on, and if successful is now riding on the jumper with the open canopy. They fly around for a bit, then the jumper who hasn't opened jumps off (usually screaming "OH NOOOOOO") The "No Goggles" thread is a video of a Mr Bill that didn't quite go as planned.

And if you read the "Stilletto as a student canopy"(the most recent part) and the "Is a go-pro a camera" threads you will see that some jumpers think that they know what they are doing, are smarter, better, and faster learners than the ones that the rules and recommendations are written for.

Whats the rule/recomendation for a Mr Bill?:P
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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Whats the rule/recomendation for a Mr Bill?:P

I think I read on here somwhere that it is best to do it between 200 and 500 jumps. Before 200 you really aren't experienced enough to pull it off and after 500 you are experienced enough to not want to do it.;)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Let's try to minimize sarcasm because it will only confuse junior jumpers.

... and the last time I checked, the primary goal of this forum was to help junior jumpers survive their first few hundred jumps ...

last time i checked, it's primary goal is for dinosaurs to make themselves feel better and put others down..

for the live of me, i wouldnt trust a single advice on here, that's what i got my instructors for.. :|
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my 2 cents - landings are as varied as anything in life.

1) don't forget to flare
2) if you flare too early (within reason), don't let up your toggles
3) if you flare too early and become afraid to flare, think hard about bucking that trend or get ready to buy new pants
4) don't fly over stuff you wouldn't land on in 'high' winds
5) learn flat turns
6) relax on the final leg, deep breath and focus on the best execution you can

Not the easiest but a good exercise in learning/confidence. Best of luck.

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